Development and implementation of sexual and gender minority curriculum for advanced practice nursing: A feasibility study

CONCLUSION: Feasibility was established but will require amendment prior to the pilot study.IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PROFESSION AND/OR PATIENT CARE: To prepare nurses and nurse practitioners to care for sexual and gender minority patients.IMPACT: This study addressed the feasibility of developing and implementing a sexual and gender minority healthcare education using an e-Learning platform. Findings confirm that the intervention was feasible but will require amendment. The intervention increased knowledge and clinical preparedness in caring for this population, but recruitment was challenging. This research will impact nurses, nurse practitioners and nurse educators.REPORTING METHOD: The authors adhered to the relevant EQUATOR guidelines. The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials guideline extension for reporting randomized and feasibility guidelines were used.PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: Sexual and gender minority community members contributed to the intervention development. WHAT DOES THIS PAPER CONTRIBUTE TO THE WIDER GLOBAL CLINICAL COMMUNITY?: The feasibility of using interactive e-learning educational resources to provide sexual and gender minority healthcare curriculum. Evidence to support the use of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Development of Clinical Skills Scale to measure learning outcomes.TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was not prospectively registered because it was an educational intervention involving graduate student nurses and did not assess clinical ...
Source: Adv Data - Category: Epidemiology Authors: Source Type: research