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If you are planning on complying with MACRA, make sure to allot the appropriate time and funding necessary to update/upgrade your practice. Realize that the measures will be arbitrary, the data implementation arduous, and the moments for live patient care fleeting. Expect that no matter how Herculean the task may be, the finish line will move often and unexpectedly. Prepare to get discouraged when your software needs to be updated, maybe every year, at a cost. At least someone will be profiting from all this wheel spinning.Check, double check, triple check the data. There will be a host of governmental administrators waiting to disqualify your practice based on technicality. Dot all the i ' s, cross all the t ' s. Remember that somewhere out there is a person whose sole purpose is to find error in your work and punish you. Their bonus depends on it.Above all, don ' t forget that it is your patients that are most important. All these extra hours and dollars won ' t make a spit of difference in their well being.  So you may want to squirrel away more personal time to do what you used to do all day long, before you agreed to these fanciful rules and regulationsBest of luck,If you are planning to join an ACO or Medical Home, consider hiring more staff to manage the extra burden. What with the health coaches and life experts, it is guaranteed your payroll will swell. When not conducting team huddles and combing the data fortrendspo...
Source: In My Humble Opinion - Category: Primary Care Authors: Source Type: blogs