The art of illusion

I had an interesting conversation this morning with one of my closest friends about illusion. Not the sort that is usually done by magicians or illusionists, but about the sort we create for ourselves. You know, the ones we often called ‘rose-tinted glasses’! Our ‘rose-tinted glasses’ ensure that we never really see things for what they are. We put a gloss and a sheen over sets of circumstances, events and conversations that lead us to believe in something that was never actually there in the first place. That doesn’t mean to say, this is always a negative, but it’s sometimes worth acknowledging the benefits of having those same spectacles removed every so often. When we remove the spectacles (or when they are removed from our noses by happenstance) we see things clearly.  We can see what was, what is and what might have been but isn’t.  What we no longer see are the illusions that have been keeping us in a place of denial about the ‘reality’ (if there can ever be such a thing) of a situation.  And yet, an illusion can also provide wonder, joy and even happiness; at least for a short time anyway. I suppose my writing is really about what happens when the illusion is removed, the spectacles set aside and clarity is allowed in.  What one gets is often not what one expects, and it would be very easy to then look around for an easy target on which pin the blame for our current predicament.  But that is hardly fair.  That...
Source: The Hysterectomy Association - Category: OBGYN Authors: Tags: Life 3 principles Happiness Source Type: news