Happy 2018!!!

We survived 2017. Amazing! If I had the energy I'd jump on the bed like the gal did in "The Holiday" Speaking of which, we've had a very nice, quiet holiday. I can't believe how fast 2017 flew by! I can't believe that I've been keeping this blog since 2006.....12 years!We've had a few issues the past month. Something happened to the hardware in his back from the spinal fusion surgery and he had about 3 days of not moving at all. It resolved itself - thank goodness!He is still vomiting about every other night. So he gets a good night's sleep and then is awake the next night. Is it gastroparesis? He seems to have all of the symptoms, but he's still refusing to go back to the doctor. Says he's only going when they make him go to get his Rx refilled.His daily glucose monitoring remains way too high. He goes low in the mornings and does not take his full dose of insulin, then goes high in the afternoons so he delays dinner until bedtime. He's in such a mixed up cycle, but there's not much I can say or do. I've learned that much! LOL!Overall, it's been quiet and calm and I am ever so grateful for that. I couldn't wish you anything better than a calm and quiet 2018!DW
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - Category: Endocrinology Tags: 12 years of blogging 2018 back pain New year's day non-compliant diabetic vomiting Source Type: blogs