GSE135480 Genome-wide identification of enhancer domains in the healthy and post-stroke mouse cortices

We report the identification of enhancer domains in sham and stroke mouse cerebral cortices by high-throughput profiling of H3K27Ac chromatin modification. A total of 35.4, 28.8 and 29.6 million reads were generated from chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA from sham, stroke and pooled input samples. This resulted in 55,571 peaks in sham and 56,110 peaks in stroke samples representing 50408 and 51,292 active regions, respectively. These active regions represent putative enhancer domains.
Source: GEO: Gene Expression Omnibus - Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Tags: Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing Mus musculus Source Type: research
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