Zimmer, Inc. - Trabecular Metal ( TM) - Class 2 Recall

Trabecular Metal (TM) Reverse Glenosphere 36mm Part 00-4349-036-11 The reverse shoulder system is used in the treatment of the following: severe pain or significant disability in degenerative, rheumatoid, or traumatic disease of the glenohumeral joint; un-united humeral head fractures of long duration; irreducible 3 and 4-part proximal humeral fractures; avascular necrosis of the humeral head, or other difficult clinical management problems (such as a failed total shoulder arthropolastey or grossly rotator cuff deficient joint) where arthrodesis or resectional arthroplasty is not acceptable. 510(k) K130661
Source: Medical Device Recalls - Category: Medical Equipment Source Type: alerts