The Truth About Throw in the Towel Parenting Days

You’ve had those days. I know it. I’ve had them. They’re the days when the clock has barely hit 8:10am and you’re already feeling like you’d love to throw in the hypothetical towel of parenting. You know that towel? The towel that has already dealt with kids that don’t want to get up, kids that don’t like their breakfast, lost homework, crying toddlers, babies that refuse to be anywhere but your left hip, burnt toast, alarms missed, and spilled milk. You’d throw in the towel, but it’s in the laundry. And, if your home is anything like mine at times, it’s probably in the washing machine in the load that you forgot to switch the night before. Those throw in the towel days of motherhood. Of parenthood, really. They are inevitable. Let me write that for you again. They are inevitable. Oh my goodness there are beautiful days tucked in our days as parents. They are the days that we dream about – days where the kids go to bed without fuss, where the living room looks perfect with the throw pillows tucked just right, where there are finger paint projects on the fridge, and we’re simply content. Thank goodness for those days, right? They are beautiful. And as I tell my readers, and my friends, and you, write those days down on your calendar. Circle it and write the words - today was a great day – down. You know why? Because there is a really great chance that the very next day will make you wonder what on ea...
Source: Conversations with Dr Greene - Category: Pediatricians Authors: Source Type: blogs