Heartburn - A Major Health Concern?

For many people, an episode heartburn is just a harmless nuisance. It may be uncomfortable while it's happening, but nothing to worry about. Right? Chronic heartburn, especially if it isn't treated properly, has been linked to esophageal cancer. Heartburn is considered to be chronic if it occurs 2 or more times per week. Other complications of chronic heartburn can be: Barrett's esophagus erosive esophagitis esophageal strictures You can lessen your risk of experiencing one of these complications with the following steps: Make the necessary lifestyle changes Follow these ten suggestions to significantly reduce the occurrence of acid reflux symptoms. Watch what you eat If you suffer from acid reflux, you need to know what foods are safe to eat and what foods to avoid, and how to prepare those foods. Check out the good foods and bad foods for heartburn sufferers. Keep track of your heartburn triggers For a week, keep a heartburn record of what you eat and if you suffer heartburn. This will help you track what foods are your heartburn triggers. Learn how to prevent heartburn before it happens Here are heartburn prevention tips
Source: About Heartburn / Acid Reflux - Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news