I’m not hibernating, I’m just flaring!

I can hardly believe it has been so long since my last blog entry and I feel I should begin by wishing all HealthTalk bloggers and blog readers a belated but very Happy and Healthy New Year! I haven’t been hibernating, although with the weather we’ve had that is quite an appealing option, but fell foul of a very nasty and protracted flare. It seems this was linked to a persistent throat infection and the whole sorry mess pretty much ground my life and productivity to a halt. Throat infections seem to have a real impact on my psoriasis – both on the skin outbreaks and the flares of arthritis too. My skin was sore, cracked and bleeding and my joints were sore swollen and very painful. Of course when my hands become so badly inflamed it makes taking care of my skin that much harder and one of those very vicious circles begins. But thankfully the flare is subsiding now and my skin is settling to red and sore and nowhere near as angry. Hopefully this means I will be able to resume my blogging again now. I have so much catching up to do! Once again a belated Happy New Year to all HealthTalk blogger and blog readers.
Source: Life with Psoriasis - Category: Other Conditions Authors: Tags: Psoriasis Psoriasis community psoriasis flares Psoriasis lifestyle Psoriasis treatment Psoriatic RA blog cracked skin flare-up HealthTalk psoriasis1 skin conditions sore skin Source Type: blogs