Undiagnosed myopathy before surgery and safe anaesthesia table.

Undiagnosed myopathy before surgery and safe anaesthesia table. Acta Myol. 2013 Oct;32(2):100-5 Authors: Trevisan CP, Accorsi A, Morandi LO, Mongini T, Savoia G, Gravino E, Angelini C, Tegazzin V Abstract Patients with muscle pathology are a challenge for anaesthesiologists because of possible life-threatening general anaesthesia complications. A review of the current medical literature on the issue clearly indicates that increasing awareness by anaesthesiologists in recent years has led to a reduction in the occurrence of adverse events in patients with diagnostically well-defined muscle disease. On the other hand, the current emerging aspect is that the great majority of complications concern subjects with clinically non-overt (silent to mildly symptomatic) and thus undiagnosed myopathy. With a view to improving prevention of possible critical anaesthesia complications in such patients, we present a "Safe Anaesthesia Table", listing both the anaesthetic drugs to be avoided and those considered harmless for myopathic patients, irrespective of age and type of pathology. In addition, a brief outline about the clinical aspects suggestive of a possible muscle pathology is also provided. Using "safe drugs" during routine surgical procedures in subjects with suspected undiagnosed myopathy will enable the anaesthesiologist to avoid delaying surgery, while protecting them from anaesthesia complications. By following this approach the presum...
Source: Acta Myologica - Category: Neurology Tags: Acta Myol Source Type: research