ABT-199 Trial

I started a clinical trial of ABT-199 3 weeks ago. (sorta technical Myeloma Beacon EHA 2013 Congress Abstract P210 (Poster Presentation)) It is in combination with Velcade and Dex. The Dex is being reduced thank you very much!Three weeks on the protocol produced a 37% drop in my myeloma marker (Igg-Lambda Free Light Chains).It was easy easy easy just time consuming. I like to view is a behaviour disorder which compels me to drive almost an hour to an overpriced internet cafe'. I alway bring a book and laptop and don't bore easily soThe disorder then morphs into the Dex Pirate from which all living creatures should beware.I've been known to cry, laugher, explode and threaten all manor of pirate inspired torture of death.Life is getting better. The first cycle of most clinical trials is usually very time consuming. I spent 3 days in the hospital being watched, a couple days in the clinic being blood tested. That's over as are the weekly doctors visits. Now it's just once every 3 week cycle and a couple Velcade shots and dear ol' Dex twice a week for the first 2 of the 3 week cycle.Easy peasy! Scotty needs to get the transporter working again. I've been slacking off while in dry dock here in Florida.
Source: Laughing Plasma Cells - Category: Cancer Source Type: blogs