Burn The Diet Books

Your best health formula is not scribbled in the pages of the latest diet book. It's actually within your soul. Often, we look outside ourselves for new recipes or tag along with a friend to hot yoga class just because she's into it. You think, "She looks good! It should work for me too." Following the herd will only move your health needle so far. Take one step back. The route to your best health is revealed by looking within. Bring presence to your daily mantras, movements, and meals to see how things are working for you. For the next 4 weeks, pay attention to how your body reacts towards everything. Let's start with what you eat. Nothing brings you closer to wellbeing than tuning into how you feel about your food intake. Keep a food journal to find patterns. Questions to ask yourself while you eat and 2 hours after a meal: 1. Do I feel energetic or drained? 2. Do I feel strong or weak? 3. Do I feel full or hungry? 4. What is my mood? Take note on what you discover. If a food makes you feel bloated, don't eat it often. If a food makes you feel more alive, up the consumption. Everything works better when you move your body. Your mood is lifted, you get more done, and you walk with a confident strut. Notice what exercises you lean towards. Dabble in the full menu of movement. There's weightlifting, HIIT training, walking, hiking, dancing, yoga, soul cycle, kayaking, marathon running, etc. Check in with yourself while you're moving and 1-2 hours later. For the next 4 w...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news