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Source: Science - The Huffington Post

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Total 130 results found since Jan 2013.

Men From The South Are More Likely To Die From Smoking-Related Cancers
Smoking causes nearly 29 percent of all cancer deaths among Americans over the age of 35, according to a new analysis published in JAMA Internal Medicine. But that doesn’t tell the full story. Men from the top five southern states skew this data, dying at a rate that’s 40 percent higher than the national average. The higher proportion of cancer deaths attributable to smoking in the South isn’t simply because people in that region smoke more ― that distinction goes to the Midwest. Instead, experts say, the lack of funding for tobacco control programs means that there are less resources for people wh...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - November 1, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Scientists Take Big Step Toward Being Able To Repair Brain Injuries
Scientists have long been working toward a day when a traumatic injury or stroke doesn’t cause brain cells to be permanently lost.  Executing this extremely difficult task would involve figuring out how to transplant new neurons into brain tissue. But neurons form precise connections with each other, and are guided by physiological signals that are active during early brain development ― meaning that you can’t sow a fistful of new neurons into mature brain tissue and expect them to grow the way they should. But scientists are making progress. Embryonic neurons transplanted into the damaged bra...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - October 28, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Poor Diet Is The Greatest Risk To Worldwide Health, Report Says
Diet-related disease is not just an American problem.  Across the globe, poor diets now pose a greater collective health risk than unsafe sex, alcohol, drugs and tobacco use combined, according to a new report by the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition. “This snuck up on us,” report co-author Patrick Webb, a nutrition professor at Tufts University and policy and evidence advisor to the panel, told The Huffington Post. “The key point is that poor quality of diets is now the single biggest contributor to the global burden of non-communicable disease.” Member...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - October 20, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Exercising Doesn't Just Burn Fat, It Gives You 'Smart Fat' Too
We all know exercise is good for us. It’s good for our hearts. It helps prevent chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity. It helps bust stress. And it even helps us sleep. Now researchers have uncovered one more benefit: Exercise helps make our metabolisms more efficient. A new study that looked at how our cells work during exercise found that exercising actually converts the type of fat cells we have, changing them from metabolically inactive “white fat” to “brown fat,” which burns more calories.  The new research is some of the strongest evidence yet that the benefits of working out (...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - October 20, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

The Bonus Effect: One Kind of Interest That Rewards DON'T Kill
For nearly half a century, research has raised troubling questions about the practice of dangling rewards in front of people to get them to do what we want. It doesn't matter whether the people in question are male or female, children or adults. It doesn't matter whether the rewards are stickers, food, grades, or money. It doesn't matter whether the goal is to get them to work harder, learn better, act nicely, or lose weight. What the studies keep telling us is that rewards, like punishments, tend not only to be ineffective -- particularly over the long haul -- but often to undermine the very thing we're trying to promote....
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - September 29, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

A Surprising Number Of People Can't Recognize Voices
For me, caller ID is one of the best inventions of all time. Before it became mainstream, I dreaded picking up the phone. A lot of times, I couldn’t recognize the person on the other side by just hearing his or her voice, and so I was often subjected to a slew of jokes and mockery and puzzle-solving. It turns out I was hardly alone in my misery. An inability to identify people by their voices is a poorly understood deficit called phonagnosia ― a term coming from “phone,” meaning “voice” in Ancient Greek, and “agnosia,” meaning a “loss of knowledge.” And the ...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - September 7, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Hillary Clinton's New Platform Is A Blow To Mental Health Stigma
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton released a wide-ranging mental health plan on Monday, saying that her office would support Americans living with mental health issues through better legislation. “The next generation must grow up knowing that mental health is a key component of overall health and there is no shame, stigma or barriers to seeking out care,” Clinton’s campaign stressed in an announcement. Of course, candidate platforms rarely remain intact if they actually become policy after election day, but Clinton’s focus on normalizing mental health treatment reflects growi...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - August 30, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Want Your Teen To Have A Healthy Weight? Science Says Shut Up
Experts agree that talking about the need to diet and lose weight is one of the most unhealthy, counterproductive things a parent can do for a teen who is struggling with weight issues. Now, new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics formally endorse those findings. In order to prevent obesity and eating disorders, parents should focus less on diets and the scale and emphasize family togetherness and exercise for fitness, not weight loss. The AAP included both obesity and eating disorders in their recommendations because these often share unhealthy behaviors such as dieting, bingeing and having a diss...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - August 23, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Voodoo Medicine: Time To Stop
The world's most celebrated athlete standing on the podium in Rio in honor of receiving yet another gold medal has something important in common with your lazy uncle throwing back a cold one in his Barcalounger. Yes, swimming powerhouse Michael Phelps, purple-spotted from cupping therapy, and your slovenly relative with a beer gut both share a bond -- a weakness in succumbing to the allure of voodoo medicine. Modern-day snake oil salesmen hawking quick cures and TV doctors peddling the latest diet miracle with blatantly ridiculous claims are everywhere on the tube, social media, the supermarket and old-fashioned billboards...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - August 12, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

More Coca-Cola Ties Seen Inside U.S. Centers For Disease Control
In June, Dr. Barbara Bowman, a high-ranking official within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unexpectedly departed the agency, two days after information came to light indicating that she had been communicating regularly with - and offering guidance to - a leading Coca-Cola advocate seeking to influence world health authorities on sugar and beverage policy matters. Now, more emails suggest that another veteran CDC official has similarly close ties to the global soft drink giant. Michael Pratt, Senior Advisor for Global Health in the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at the...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - August 1, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Our Sedentary Lifestyles Cost About 5 Million Lives A Year
By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) - A study of one million people has found that physical inactivity costs the global economy $67.5 billion a year in healthcare and productivity losses, but an hour a day of exercise could eliminate most of that. Sedentary lifestyles are linked to increased risks of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, researchers found, but activity - such as brisk walking - could counter the higher likelihood of early death linked with sitting for eight or more hours a day. Such inactivity is estimated to cause more than 5 million deaths a year - almost as many as smoking, which the World Health Organi...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - July 28, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

The Real-Life Ghostbusters of the Brain
This article was originally posted on Inverse. By Yasmin Tayag "In a sense, we are absolutely the ghosts we are sensing," Giulio Rognini, Ph.D., a senior scientist at EPFL's Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience, says. Rognini is part of a team of researchers at Switzerland's Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne that might be best described as the real-life ghostbusters. The team is attempting to understand what makes our brains want to believe that apparitions are ghosts. While he's more than willing to admit that ghostly sensations are completely real, he'll be the first to point out that they're not actually ca...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - July 19, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Study Reveals That Eating 'In Moderation' Is A Fool's Errand
"Everything in moderation" is a common piece of healthy eating advice from slim and sexy celebs, dietitians and other lifestyle gurus. It's a call that's thousands of years old: The ancient Greek poet Hesiod wrote the phrase “moderation is best in all things” in his poem Work and Days, written around 700 BCE, and other philosophers and writers have echoed the maxim ever since.  But just because it’s a saying that has persisted throughout history doesn’t mean it’s right, helpful or useful.  While it sounds like wise advice for anyone who wants a low-key approach to healthy eating...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - June 9, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Ritalin Could Trigger Heart Problems In Children
Ritalin and similar forms of ADHD medication may trigger abnormal heart rhythms and increase heart attack risk in some children soon after they start taking the drug, according to a new study.  This connection was especially true for children who were born with heart disease. According to the study, published in the British medical journal BMJ, kids had an increased risk of heart attack between eight and 56 days after starting methylphenidate, a stimulant most commonly sold as Ritalin, although this heightened risk didn’t reach statistical significance. The researchers could find no evidence of a heightened...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - June 8, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

How the Brain Limited the Size of Dinosaurs
Long-necked Sauropods, like Brontosaurus, were the largest animals on earth, but their brain, not their leg strength, is what kept them from getting any bigger. With their heads soaring 60 feet above the ground, Sauropods were gigantic animals, about the same height and length of The White House. Imagine the tremendous bone strength and muscle force required to support their 65 ton mass, equivalent to the crushing weight of a stack of 30-40 automobiles. The necks of long-necked Sauropods were 30 to 40 feet long (10-12 m), the length of the extended arm of the Statue of Liberty bearing the torch (42 feet). A massive hear...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - June 6, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news