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Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post
Condition: Sleep Disorders

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Total 96 results found since Jan 2013.

Can't Sleep? Now There's A Coach For That.
First came diet coaches, exercise coaches, career coaches and spiritual and life coaches. There should be no surprise that as the population ages and increasingly has trouble staying asleep that the next step would be sleep coaches. Insomnia is the most common sleep problem for adults, and has been linked to depression, falls, stroke and memory problems. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, or CBTI, is considered a highly effective method for treating the disorder, but many do not receive it due to a lack of therapists with CBTI training, according to a paper published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Socie...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - November 1, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Sleep Deprivation Is Killing You And Your Career
The next time you tell yourself that you'll sleep when you're dead, realize that you're making a decision that can make that day come much sooner. Pushing late into the night is a health and productivity killer. The short-term productivity gains from skipping sleep to work are quickly washed away by the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on your mood, ability to focus, emotional intelligence, and access to higher-level brain functions for days to come. The negative effects of sleep deprivation are so great that people who are drunk outperform those lacking sleep. Why You Need Adequate Sleep to Perform We've always...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - September 17, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Becoming A Hosehead: Sleeping My Way To Better Health
CPAP machines are in the news this month after the New England Journal of Medicine released a study casting doubt on their effectiveness in preventing heart problems. See here for an explanation of the study and a summary of reasons why it is likely not accurate. Regardless of that study, let me tell you why I have become an unexpected missionary for the wonders of the CPAP. For the past year, I've been wrestling with a diagnosis of sleep apnea. What have I learned, even while kicking, screaming and denying, through the entire testing and education process? That it is a real thing, that I really do have it, and that I fee...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - September 7, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

I'm a Diabetic, Why is my Shoulder Frozen?
What Is Adhesive Capsulitis? Adhesive capsulitis is a painful, progressive loss of shoulder motion. The shoulder is usually stiff and will not move. This condition is called "frozen shoulder". When a patient presents with adhesive capsulitis, they are unable to move their arm up or turn it to either side either with or without assistance (passive/active range of motion). Typically adhesive capsulitis occurs in approximately 2% of the population and usually affects people 40-60 years of age. Frozen shoulder tends to occur more often in females. The loss of motion occurs due to inflammation, fibrosis, scarring and contractio...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - September 6, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Hillary Clinton's New Platform Is A Blow To Mental Health Stigma
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton released a wide-ranging mental health plan on Monday, saying that her office would support Americans living with mental health issues through better legislation. “The next generation must grow up knowing that mental health is a key component of overall health and there is no shame, stigma or barriers to seeking out care,” Clinton’s campaign stressed in an announcement. Of course, candidate platforms rarely remain intact if they actually become policy after election day, but Clinton’s focus on normalizing mental health treatment reflects growi...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - August 30, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Want Your Teen To Have A Healthy Weight? Science Says Shut Up
Experts agree that talking about the need to diet and lose weight is one of the most unhealthy, counterproductive things a parent can do for a teen who is struggling with weight issues. Now, new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics formally endorse those findings. In order to prevent obesity and eating disorders, parents should focus less on diets and the scale and emphasize family togetherness and exercise for fitness, not weight loss. The AAP included both obesity and eating disorders in their recommendations because these often share unhealthy behaviors such as dieting, bingeing and having a diss...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - August 23, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Leading Health Mistakes Women Make In Their 30s
Credit For many women, turning 30 marks the real beginning of adulthood. You're established in a career, and maybe in a relationship. You might be thinking about starting a family. You feel pretty good about yourself, and all the health indiscretions of your 20s (remember those all-night parties and how you still managed to make it into work the next day?) haven't taken much of a health toll. But let's face it, ages 30 to 39 are prime time. All in all, the 30s are a very positive time for health, but it's also the time you have to start developing excellent habits as an investment in the future, says Dr. Debra DeJoseph,...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - August 17, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Mental Illness Affects Presidents, Too
Perhaps it isn’t surprising, given the intense rhetoric of this year’s presidential election, that politicians have started throwing around accusations of insanity.    In early August, California Rep. Karen Bass, a Democrat, launched the hashtag #DiagnoseTrump and started a petition claiming the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, meets the diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Not long after, Trump called Hillary Clinton “unstable,” and at a rally in New Hampshire said, “She’s got problems.” The candidates’ verbal volley highlights a p...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - August 17, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Georgia O'Keefe: Artistic and Culinary Pioneer
Pedernal Mountain. by guest blogger Pam Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP, FACSM, best-selling author and expert on health, fitness, and nutrition On a recent trip to Santa Fe, I scheduled a visit Georgia O'Keefe's home and studio in Abiquiu, New Mexico. O'Keefe, known as the mother of American modernism, is most renowned for her extraordinary paintings of super-sized erotic flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. As I neared the property, I immediately spotted her frequently painted wooden ladder, leaning against a wall, its top rungs extending high above the rooftop. The ladder. Photo by Dr. Peeke. Stepping in...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - August 16, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Research Reveals That Increased Education About Sleep Apnea Leads to Better Outcomes
Sleep-disordered breathing is a problem that should not be taken lightly. In addition to leaving you feeling groggy during the day, untreated sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea can lead to several other health problems, including high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and heart disease. Effective treatments such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy and oral appliance therapy are available to treat obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea Treatment Options Obstructive sleep apnea is caused when the tongue and soft palate collapse onto the back of the throat during sleep, blocking the upper airway....
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - August 8, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Will Too Much Sleep Make You Fat?
In last week's article, you learned exactly how not getting enough sleep (less than about 7 hours per night), can cause fat gain, muscle loss and an inability to control the appetite, along with increased risk for a host of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. But the solution is definitely not to begin sleeping as much as you possibly can. Oversleeping may seem like a good idea to fight off the fat gain that can accompany undersleeping, but it's been shown that sleeping in excess of 9 hours per night can be just as damaging to your sleep cycles and your waistline as not getting enough sleep, and in this article...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - August 5, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

The 8 Bad Eating Habits You Need to Break in Your 20s
We all know how it goes. You're away from home for the first time. You're completely in charge of your own meals. Mom and Dad always said you couldn't have cake and Cocoa Puffs for dinner? Well now you can have the whole cake and no one is there to say a word. Eventually, though, your body is not going to like all that damage. Learn how to end those bad habits now, so your future self won't want to come back to punch you in the face. 1. Eating dinner at midnight Eating a late dinner can screw up your body's natural cycles. It can interfere with your sleep schedule, for one thing, but it might also be the reason that y...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - July 18, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Why Every Woman Needs A Good Night's Rest
When I began writing in this spot three years ago, the headline of my very first entry was, "Getting Enough Sleep Is Smart, Not Selfish." That post went up at a time when Americans were beginning to focus more on a good night's rest. The subject came into a sharper focus, in part, because wearable technology gave us some specifics. Forget the anecdotal evidence of whether we slept well; with the touch of a button, we could know what time we fell asleep, how long we were out and how often our sleep was interrupted. The study of sleep -- and conversations around it -- began gaining traction. Among those paying keen attenti...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - July 11, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Yoga Saved My Life: My Journey From Worrier To Warrior
A year ago today I went blind. Nine days after the birth of my daughter, my brain began to bleed and I awoke in the Intensive Care Unit-I had suffered a stroke. My left side function had been compromised, my vision was blurred, and the hope of being home for my brand new baby was shattered. Before the bleed I was a healthy and happy 34-year-old woman, after the bleed I became someone I could not even recognize. After two weeks my vision slowly returned, the swelling in my brain had not disappeared; but diminished, and I was released to go home and attempt to resume a new kind of normal as a Stroke Survivor. I was sent ho...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - July 5, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Ask JJ: Type 2 Diabetes
Dear JJ: My doctor just diagnosed me with pre-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes runs in my family, but I will not accept it as my fate. You've written about sugar's detrimental impact, so how can I get this under control so it doesn't blow up into full-blown diabetes? Diabetes doesn't happen overnight or linearly, but when your metabolic machinery breaks, serious havoc ensues. The massive repercussions can become deadly. Every time you eat, you raise blood sugar, which triggers your pancreas to release a hormone called insulin. Every food raises blood sugar, but high-sugar impact foods do it big time. Your pancreas "secretes s...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - June 16, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news