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Source: Science - The Huffington Post
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Total 42 results found since Jan 2013.

Reflections on the Future of Medicine
Recently, I traveled through China. I climbed mountains, hiked through forests, crossed deep valleys. I visited cities of every size. I floated across lakes and traveled beautiful shorelines churning with life. As a man of a certain age, I began to compare the permanence of the timeless landscape with the evanescence of my own existence. Yet, as a scientist, I knew these reflections were flawed. Scientists are trained to think in terms of aeons, millenia, and lifetimes. Consider the paradox. Is it the solid mountain or fragile the forest that is permanent? Is it the massive shoreline cliffs or the teeming shore life that...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - January 9, 2017 Category: Science Source Type: news

The Terrifying Way Not Sleeping Enough Actually Changes Your Gut
Studies link insufficient sleep to some pretty scary consequences, including an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even some cancers. Experts still don’t fully understand why not getting enough sleep is connected to all of these conditions, but new research published this month adds one piece to the puzzle: Not getting enough sleep may cause changes to gut bacteria that could fundamentally change our metabolism, affecting a host of bodily systems. Gut microbiota are the trillions of microorganisms living in our intestines that help keep our metabolism, immune system and othe...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - December 23, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Expensive New Diabetes Drugs Add Nothing But Cost And Complications
This is the fourth in an ongoing series of blogs exposing the rampant misuse of the medications so aggressively promoted by greedy drug companies. I am very lucky in having the perfect partner in this truth-vs-power effort to contradict Pharma propaganda with evidence based fact. Dick Bijl is President of the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB), an impressive association of 53 national drug bulletins from all around the world, each of which publishes the best available data on the pluses and minuses of different medications. Drug bulletins help patients and doctors see through the misleading misinformation ge...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - November 17, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

3 Major Health Problems That Disproportionately Affect Vets
Veterans are more likely to report very good or excellent health than their civilian counterparts, so they may not realize that they’re also at greater risk than civilians for some long-term health problems. Of course, many veterans have acute physical health problems, like wounds and amputations, and trauma-based mental health issues like depression and PTSD. Indeed, mental health issues affect 30 percent of Vietnam veterans, 20 percent of Iraqi veterans and about 10 percent of Gulf War and Afghanistan veterans. Less known are some of the ordinary, chronic conditions that disproportionately affect ser...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - November 11, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Men From The South Are More Likely To Die From Smoking-Related Cancers
Smoking causes nearly 29 percent of all cancer deaths among Americans over the age of 35, according to a new analysis published in JAMA Internal Medicine. But that doesn’t tell the full story. Men from the top five southern states skew this data, dying at a rate that’s 40 percent higher than the national average. The higher proportion of cancer deaths attributable to smoking in the South isn’t simply because people in that region smoke more ― that distinction goes to the Midwest. Instead, experts say, the lack of funding for tobacco control programs means that there are less resources for people wh...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - November 1, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Want Your Teen To Have A Healthy Weight? Science Says Shut Up
Experts agree that talking about the need to diet and lose weight is one of the most unhealthy, counterproductive things a parent can do for a teen who is struggling with weight issues. Now, new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics formally endorse those findings. In order to prevent obesity and eating disorders, parents should focus less on diets and the scale and emphasize family togetherness and exercise for fitness, not weight loss. The AAP included both obesity and eating disorders in their recommendations because these often share unhealthy behaviors such as dieting, bingeing and having a diss...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - August 23, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Voodoo Medicine: Time To Stop
The world's most celebrated athlete standing on the podium in Rio in honor of receiving yet another gold medal has something important in common with your lazy uncle throwing back a cold one in his Barcalounger. Yes, swimming powerhouse Michael Phelps, purple-spotted from cupping therapy, and your slovenly relative with a beer gut both share a bond -- a weakness in succumbing to the allure of voodoo medicine. Modern-day snake oil salesmen hawking quick cures and TV doctors peddling the latest diet miracle with blatantly ridiculous claims are everywhere on the tube, social media, the supermarket and old-fashioned billboards...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - August 12, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

More Coca-Cola Ties Seen Inside U.S. Centers For Disease Control
In June, Dr. Barbara Bowman, a high-ranking official within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unexpectedly departed the agency, two days after information came to light indicating that she had been communicating regularly with - and offering guidance to - a leading Coca-Cola advocate seeking to influence world health authorities on sugar and beverage policy matters. Now, more emails suggest that another veteran CDC official has similarly close ties to the global soft drink giant. Michael Pratt, Senior Advisor for Global Health in the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at the...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - August 1, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Our Sedentary Lifestyles Cost About 5 Million Lives A Year
By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) - A study of one million people has found that physical inactivity costs the global economy $67.5 billion a year in healthcare and productivity losses, but an hour a day of exercise could eliminate most of that. Sedentary lifestyles are linked to increased risks of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, researchers found, but activity - such as brisk walking - could counter the higher likelihood of early death linked with sitting for eight or more hours a day. Such inactivity is estimated to cause more than 5 million deaths a year - almost as many as smoking, which the World Health Organi...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - July 28, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Study Reveals That Eating 'In Moderation' Is A Fool's Errand
"Everything in moderation" is a common piece of healthy eating advice from slim and sexy celebs, dietitians and other lifestyle gurus. It's a call that's thousands of years old: The ancient Greek poet Hesiod wrote the phrase “moderation is best in all things” in his poem Work and Days, written around 700 BCE, and other philosophers and writers have echoed the maxim ever since.  But just because it’s a saying that has persisted throughout history doesn’t mean it’s right, helpful or useful.  While it sounds like wise advice for anyone who wants a low-key approach to healthy eating...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - June 9, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

What The Government's Latest Asian-American Health Report Got Wrong
Asian-Americans fare better than the general population on five different measures of health, according to a new national study.  But though it may appear that the "model minority" myth about the 15 million Asians in America extends even to physical and mental health, experts say this finding obscures the truth about vast disparities between Asian subgroups -- and that the study's methodology may have prevented the elderly, immigrants and people who don't speak English from contributing to a more nuanced picture of the health status of Asians in America.  The report, published by the U.S. Center fo...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - May 20, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

These 10 Cities Are Choking On The Planet's Worst Air Pollution
Urban air pollution is on the rise and, to little surprise, those living in some of the world's poorest cities are breathing in the worst of it. The World Health Organization on Thursday released updated data showing more than 80 percent of city residents around the globe are exposed to particulate pollution in doses that exceed the organization's recommended limits.  "Urban air pollution continues to rise at an alarming rate, wreaking havoc on human health," Dr. Maria Neira, WHO's public health director, said in a statement. WHO says that in the last two years, as more and more cities have begun measuring smog ...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - May 13, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Moms Lose Up To 9 Hours Of Sleep Every Week
Here's another reason to take a minute to appreciate everything your mom's sacrificed for you this Mother's Day: Her sleep.  Not that anyone who’s paced the hallway trying to sooth a crying infant needs proof, but several studies have documented that new parents and parents of young children miss out on a whole lot of sleep. Now, a new population-level research in Australian quantified just how much sleep working Aussie parents are missing out on, compared to their colleagues without children. The results of the survey indicated that fathers of young kids are missing out on one to four hours of sleep each w...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - May 6, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Why We Study Sleep
This post is adapted from a speech delivered at a Fireside Chat between Arianna Huffington and Andre Iguodala on April 11, 2016 at Stanford University. You can watch the event here. Before introducing our famous guests, as director of the Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, I have been asked to introduce the topic of sleep and sleep disorders and why we should bother to study sleep. This is not difficult for me as sleep is my passion. The first reason for studying sleep is simply that sleep is one of the last remaining mysteries in biology. We still don't understand why a typical human has to spend 25 years of life sle...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - April 14, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

White Doctors In Training Believe Some Disturbing Stuff About Black Patients
When it comes to emergency care, you may have a tough time if you're in pain and not a white man.  Previous research has shown that black and Hispanic patients who reported severe pain in the the ER were 22 percent less likely to receive pain medication than white patients who presented with the same complaints. And women suffer similar disparities: A 2008 study found that women wait an average of 16 minutes longer to receive pain relief for acute abdominal pain in the ER than men do. Now a new study is shedding some light on this phenomenon. "We’ve been looking at racial bias and pain perception to tr...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - April 8, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news