The systematic use of homework in psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy for depression: An assimilative integration approach.
Although the use of between-session activities—or homework—has traditionally been associated with cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT), there is growing evidence that therapists of diverse orientations are incorporating it into their practice. However, whereas there is strong evidence to support the use of homework in CBT, there are currently no known studies exploring its use with other types of therapy. As a preliminary study, the authors examine the feasibility and effectiveness of an integrative assimilation of homework in psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy for depression. Findings from 3 case studies suppor...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - January 2, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The systematic use of homework in psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy for depression: An assimilative integration approach.
El uso sistem ático de tareas en la psicoterapia psicodinámica-interpersonal para la depresión: Un enfoque de integración asimilativa Aunque el uso de actividades entre sesiones, o tareas, ha sido tradicionalmente asociado con la terapia cognitiva conductual (cognitive-behavioral therapy, CBT, por sus siglas en inglés), hay creciente evidencia que terapeutas de diversas orientaciones están incluyendo tareas en su práctica. Sin embargo, aunque hay evidencia fuerte para apoyar el uso de las tareas en CBT, todavía no hay estudios explorando su uso en otros tipos de terapia. Como un estudio preliminar, los autores exam...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - January 2, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Nelson, Dana L.; Castonguay, Louis G. Source Type: research

The proportion of integrationists among Czech psychotherapists and counselors: A comparison of multiple criteria.
La proporci ón de integrativos entre psicoterapeutas y consejeros checos: Una comparación de criterios multiples La integración o el eclecticismo de un psicoterapeuta puede operar en diferentes maneras. Estudios típicamente han estimado la proporción de integrativos/eclécticos utilizando un solo criterio, frecuentemente rindiendo resultados incomparables. El objetivo de éste estudio fue estimar la frecuencia de integración/eclecticismo utilizando 4 criterios distintos basados en entrenamiento psicoterapéutico, orientación teórica auto-identificada, y el uso de técnicas psicoterapéuticas. El a nálisis se basó...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - January 2, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Rihacek, Tomas; Roubal, Jan Source Type: research

Assimilative psychodynamic psychotherapy: A critical case study reconsideration.
The aim of this article is to examine an integrative model of psychotherapy, assimilative psychodynamic psychotherapy (APP), and to illustrate it with a case conducted by the first author. This examination strives to understand ways in which APP’s approach to therapy is faithful to the psychodynamic model and compatible with the cognitive–behavioral schools of thought and to what extent it provides a coherent approach to treatment. The following dimensions of APP are reviewed: (a) APP’s conceptualization of psychological functioning and psychopathology, (b) APP’s treatment goals and its conceptualization of change ...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - December 15, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Assimilative psychodynamic psychotherapy: A critical case study reconsideration.
Psicoterapia psicodin ámica asimilativa: Una reconsideración de un caso de estudio crítico El objetivo de este artículo es examinar un modelo integrativo de la psicoterapia, la psicoterapia psicodinámica asimilativa (assimilative psychodynamic psychotherapy; APP, por sus siglas en inglés) e ilustrarlo con un caso l levado a cabo por el primer autor. Esta examinación se esfuerza para entender maneras en que el enfoque de APP en la terapia es fiel al modelo psicodinámico y compatible con las escuelas de modo cognitiva conductual y a en qué medida la APP provee un enfoque coherente al tratamiento. Las siguient es dim...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - December 15, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Bloch-Elkouby, Sarah; Knopf, Lauren; Gold, Jerold; Muran, J. Christopher Source Type: research

Helpful aspects at the beginning of successful outpatient treatment: Retrospective views of adolescents and their therapists.
The current study aimed to provide information about the experiences of therapists and their former adolescent clients during the initial sessions of successful outpatient treatment. Twenty-one adolescents and their therapists were invited to share their experiences at the beginning of successful outpatient treatment. We collected data during semistructured interviews 6–12 months following treatment. The data were analyzed using a combined hermeneutical and phenomenological approach. Our coding of the clients’ reports indicated that former clients’ understandings of their own problems and their expectations about the...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - December 12, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Is it possible to integrate psychotherapy theory on the basis of empirical findings? The disruptive role of method effects.
Most approaches to psychotherapy integration assume that any integrated theory will rest on a solid empirical basis. Recent reconceptualizations of the research process, however, indicate that knowledge of research findings alone cannot provide such a foundation. Most critically, method effects influence the results of every study to the extent that the validity of theoretical propositions is tenuous without reference to the underlying methodological conditions. While researchers vary methodology during prestudies to enhance the possibility of finding statistically significant results, the details of such prestudies are ty...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - October 20, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Psychotherapy integration and alliance: An examination across treatment outcomes.
The present study sought to investigate the impact of psychotherapy integration, that is, the integration of some cognitive-behavioral (CB) techniques with psychodynamic-interpersonal (PI) techniques, on short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) treatment outcomes in a sample of 75 patients. PI and CB techniques were assessed using independent videotape ratings of therapy sessions and aspects of the alliance were determined using patient-rated scores. Several significant findings were observed. First, the direct impact of integrating CB and PI techniques on global treatment outcomes was not significant. However, the re...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - October 20, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Sowing the seeds for an assimilative integrationist stance toward psychotherapy.
Patients presenting with substance misuse and other high-risk behaviors present many challenges to clinicians in training, with particular challenges likely to emerge for psychodynamically oriented trainees due to the strong behavioral component of the presenting problems. Following a practicum experience in which students were trained and supervised in administering Seeking Safety, a manualized 12-session psycho-educational and coping skills-based treatment, 10 psychodynamically oriented trainees were interviewed with the aim of examining their receptivity to learning a manualized cognitive–behavioral treatment and resu...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - September 29, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Sowing the seeds for an assimilative integrationist stance toward psychotherapy.
Sembrando las semillas para una postura integracionista asimilativa hacia la psicoterapia Los pacientes que se presentan con abuso de sustancias y otros comportamientos de alto riesgo traen muchos desaf íos para los psicólogos en formación. Los estudiantes particularmente afectados por estos desafíos son aquellos estudiantes con una orientacion psicodinámica debido al fuerte componente conductual de los problemas de los pacientes. Después de una experiencia práctica en la cual los estudiante s fueron entrenados y supervisados administrando Seeking Safety (Buscando Seguridad), un tratamiento manualizado de 12 sesione...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - September 29, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Trub, Leora; Levy, Dovid Source Type: research

The evolving science of anger management.
This study reviews relevant literature on (a) treatment outcomes for anger management programs, and (b) research on emotional process work during treatment. It is argued that relying on conscious deliberate cognition to regulate emotion is not effective for individuals who have long periods of intense emotional arousal. The most significant problem is the refractory period during which cognition is governed by emotion, allowing only thoughts that confirm, justify, or heighten the emotion. Up until now, these 2 fields of inquiry have remained relatively separate. A call for further research is made after examining the resul...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - September 28, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Short, Dan Source Type: research

Topic-focused analysis of verbal interaction in a case of integrative therapy for depression and emotional turmoil.
This article presents an analysis of brief integrative therapy conducted by a very experienced female therapist drawing from a complex variety of therapeutic approaches. The client was a man in his late thirties in an emotional turmoil, having recently been through a heavy depressive period, and was still feeling depressed and emotionally unstable. Analysis of topic areas, topic shifts, response patterns within topics, and changes in perspective made it possible to identify key processes and key patterns of the therapy which resulted in a considerable relief for the client. The implications of these findings for practice, ...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - September 19, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

How does psychotherapy supervision work? Contributions of connection, conception, allegiance, alignment, and action.
How does psychotherapy supervision work? And why do some supervisees benefit, whereas others do not? Those questions are subsequently considered, and the Contextual Supervision Relationship Model (CSRM; Watkins, Budge, & Callahan, 2015) is used as foundation to provide answer. The CSRM is elaborated upon, with (a) 1 important variable clarification/correction being made and 1 new variable being added, (b) the role of the supervisee being given greater voice, and (c) 5 mega-variables that matter—connection, conception, allegiance, alignment, and action—being proposed as cross-theoretically pivotal in either the favorabl...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - September 19, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Topic-focused analysis of verbal interaction in a case of integrative therapy for depression and emotional turmoil.
This article presents an analysis of brief integrative therapy conducted by a very experienced female therapist drawing from a complex variety of therapeutic approaches. The client was a man in his late thirties in an emotional turmoil, having recently been through a heav y depressive period, and was still feeling depressed and emotionally unstable. Analysis of topic areas, topic shifts, response patterns within topics, and changes in perspective made it possible to identify key processes and key patterns of the therapy which resulted in a considerable relief for the client. The implications of these findings for practice,...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - September 19, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Reichelt, Sissel; Skjerve, Jan; McCleod, John Source Type: research

How does psychotherapy supervision work? Contributions of connection, conception, allegiance, alignment, and action.
¿Cómo trabaja la supervisión en la psicoterapia? Contribuciones de conección, concepción, lealtad, alineación, y acción ¿Cómo trabaja la supervisión en la psicoterapia? ¿Y por qué algunos bajo supervisión se benefician y otros no? Estas preguntas son consideradas y el Modelo de la Relac ión en Supervisión Contextual (Contextual Supervision Relationship Model; CSRM, por sus siglas en inglés; Watkins, Budge,& Callahan, 2015) es utilizado como la base para proveer respuestas. Al CSRM le elaboramos con (a) una importante clarificaci ón/corrección de un variable y 1 variable nueva se añade, (b) el rol del sup...
Source: Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - September 19, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Watkins Jr., C. Edward Source Type: research