Is Your Scalp and Hair All Dried Out from Fall Weather? Make This DIY Mask Tonight!

The cool, dry air that's swirling around outside may feel nice -- and turn the leaves lovely autumnal shades -- but your strands don't necessarily agree. In fact, the weather can seriously parch your mane and scalp, and cause static, too. An easy solution? A DIY hydrating mask with ingredients I already have in my kitchen: avocado, honey and aloe. (Sidenote: If you don't have an aloe plant in your house, it's probably because you haven't burnt yourself on the stove yet. Totally worth the minimal investment -- purchase one.)
Source: The ND Blog: Notes from the Nutritionista by Monica Reinagel, L.D.N., C.N.S. - Category: Nutritionists and Food Scientists Tags: Beauty DIY DIY beauty avocado beauty tips Source Type: blogs