What Do I Do When Due Dates Fall on Holidays/Weekends/NIH Office Closures?

With the winter season upon us, remember that when a due date falls on a weekend, Federal holiday, or when Washington, D.C.-area Federal offices close (due to severe weather, for example), the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day. If you suspect Federal offices in D.C. are closed due to severe weather you can check OPM.gov to verify. Only when Federal offices in the Washington, D.C. area are listed as “Operating Status: CLOSED” is the application deadline automatically extended to the next day. See NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-17-041 for additional details.  If your local winter weather is severe and results in the closure of your institution, then NIH submission policies regarding weather/other disasters apply.
Source: NIH Extramural Nexus - Category: Research Authors: Tags: You Ask, We Answer due date NIH closure submission policy Source Type: funding
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