This is what patient engagement really is

“Patient engagement.” What is patient engagement?  It sounds like a season of The Bachelor where a doctor dates hot patients.  It wouldn’t surprise me if it was. After all, patient engagement is hot; it’s the new buzz phrase for health wonks.  There was a even an entire day at the recent HIMSS conference dedicated to patient engagement.  I think the next season of The Bachelor should feature a wonk at HIMSS looking for a wonkettes to love. Here’s how the Internets define patient engagement: The Get Well Network calls it: “A national health priority and a core strategy for performance improvement.” Leonard Kish refers to it as “The Blockbuster Drug of the Century” (it narrowly beat out Viagra) – HT to Dave Chase. Steve Wilkins refers to it as “The Holy Grail of Health Care” (it also narrowly beat out Viagra) – HT to KevinMD. On the HIMSS Patient Engagement Day, the following topics were discussed: How to make Patients Your Partners in Satisfying Meaningful Use Stage 2 Objectives; Case Studies in Patient Engagement, session #64; Review Business Cases for Implementing a Patient-Centered Communication Strategy and Building Patient 2.0, session #84;: and Engaging People in Health Through Consumer-Facing Devices and Tools, session #102. Continue reading ... Your patients are rating you online: How to respond. Manage your online reputation: A social media guide. Find out how.
Source: Kevin, M.D. - Medical Weblog - Category: Family Physicians Tags: Physician Primary care Source Type: blogs