Specialist community teams for adults with learning disabilities: referrals to a countywide service in England

Tizard Learning Disability Review,Volume 24, Issue 2, Page 41-49, April 2019. Purpose While “generic” community teams for adults with learning disabilities (CTs) are well-established in the UK, very little recent evidence is available about any aspect of their work. As part of a larger project about the role, structure and functioning of CTs, the purpose of this paper is to provide dat a about referrals. Design/methodology/approach Over three months, the authors obtained data about 270 consecutive new referrals to five CTs in a countywide integrated health (NHS) and care management (local authority) service. Findings The 270 referrals related to 255 individuals, mainly already service users, with almost a third (30 per cent, n=204) described as people with severe or profound disabilities. Consistent with the reported living arrangements (residential accommodation or with one or more family members (87 per cent, n=270)), referrals were most often made by social care staff , General Practitioners or carers. The referrals related to a wide range of issues including mental health and/or behavioural needs, physical health and skills, and independence. The major group, however, were requests about a person’s entitlement to specialist learning disability services and/or reviews of an existing social care package. Research limitations/implications The focus on new referrals and the exclusion of intra-team referrals mean that the data are not representative of a CT’s casel...
Source: Tizard Learning Disability Review - Category: Disability Source Type: research