Modifications du pattern m écanique de course dans les suites d’une plastie du ligament croisé antérieur

Conclusion Une ligamentoplastie du genou entraînerait des adaptations du pattern de course similaires à celles précédemment observées chez des sujets sains en situation de stress (fatigue, biopsie, courbatures). Introduction Changes in the running mechanical pattern have been previously reported in various stressful situations of the lower limb. Similar adaptations may exist following an ACL reconstruction. Facts summary The main running mechanics including spring-mass variables of vertical and lower limb stiffness were calculated from step temporal measurements performed on a pressure mat in 9 patients with ACL reconstruction and 21 healthy controls. Stiffness values of both lower limbs of the 9 operated subjects were significantly higher than those of controls. Conclusion Knee ligament reconstruction seems cause changes in the running pattern that are comparable to previously reported results (fatigue, biopsy, muscle soreness).
Source: Science and Sports - Category: Sports Medicine Source Type: research