When Medical Care Hurts

When I was seventeen, I developed a medical problem due to no fault of my own.  It was painful, it was embarrassing, and when it became uncomfortable enough to disrupt my life, I went to see a well known surgeon downtown. The specialist, tucked away in the hallow halls of academia, stared down at me past a pair of spectacles perched at the end of his ever-protruding nose.  When he examined the area, he spoke in a measured and controlled manner.It's really kind of disgusting, actually.These were not the words a self-conscious, suffering teenager wanted to hear. He then proceeded to do an uncomfortable, totally unnecessary procedure, to "rule out other things" even though the diagnosis was obvious.  He  eventually offered a series of treatments.  I returned to the office once a month,  and low and behold the symptoms abated.  I felt more comfortable.  Maybe this nightmare was finally over.When September came, and it was time to go to college, I still needed a few more treatments.  I arranged to see a specialist at the university because I would not be able to travel back to Chicago.  Although the new surgeon was no more affable, he showed up on time and asked few questions. Unfortunately, the symptoms took a turn for the worse.  I trekked back to the hospital, and sat impatiently in the specialists office.  After waiting for over an hour, he entered the room, didn't bother to examine me, and said I would need surgery. ...
Source: In My Humble Opinion - Category: Family Physicians Authors: Source Type: blogs