Single-step Optimization in Triaging Large Vessel Occlusion Strokes: Identifying Factors to Improve Door-to-groin Time for Endovascular Therapy

Introduction: Although acute stroke endovascular therapy (EVT) has dramatically improved outcomes in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients with large vessel occlusions (LVO), access to EVT-capable centers remains limited, particularly in rural areas. Therefore, it is essential to optimize triage systems for EVT-eligible patients. One strategy may be the use of a telestroke network that typically consists of multiple spoke sites that receive a consultation to determine appropriateness of patient transfer to an EVT-capable hub site. Standardization of AIS protocols may be necessary to achieve target door-to groin (DTG) times of less than 60 minutes in EVT-eligible patients upon hub arrival. Specifically, the decision to obtain vascular imaging at the transferring hub site vs delaying until arrival at the hub is controversial. The purpose of this study was to identify factors associated with reduced DTG time in LVO-AIS patients.Methods:...
Source: Western Journal of Emergency Medicine - Category: Emergency Medicine Authors: Source Type: research