Picturing new art with the AI paintbox

don’t think artificial intelligence (AI) has become an obsession for me yet, but it is a serious distraction. For instance, I have been using ChatGPT, the language model AI bot, to help me come up with different types of headlines for articles. I haven’t used any that it has suggested, but I have prompted it with the text of my articles and ask it to act as a sub-editor on a particular type of publication. The headlines it devises are always interested, I usually ask it to tweak in a particular way, and usually then re-word it to my own taste. So, for this article, it suggested: “Exploring the Possibilities of AI-Generated Photorealistic Images” for that’s the content to follow this. I asked it to make the headline shorter and use a pun and it replied: “Painting a New Picture with AI-Generated Art”. That’s not bad. Another tweak: “AI Canvas for Next-Generation Photorealistic Painting”. Its suggestions led me to my own headline: “Picturing new art with the AI paintbox”. Okay. So, like I say, I’ve been experimenting with AI. A while back I did some Wombo Art, which you may have seen on here. Photorealistic output but surreal. The AI world has moved on apace with the likes of Dall-E (pronounced like Salvador’s surname), that generates weird images too. I’ve not delved into Stable Diffusion yet, but I did take another look at MidJourney this week, which functions via a server on Discord. I w...
Source: David Bradley Sciencebase - Songs, Snaps, Science - Category: Science Authors: Tags: Artificial Intelligence Source Type: blogs
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