International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health in adult and older users of audiology services
Conclusion: most of the participants attending the Hearing Health Care Service had a disability in auditory perception and hearing functions. However, such a disability was not a limiting factor in the performance of most of the activities and participations assessed.RESUMO Objetivo: descrever aspectos da funcionalidade e incapacidade, relacionados à audição e fatores sociodemográficos de usuários de um serviço de audiologia. Métodos: estudo exploratório com amostra probabilística composta por 152 indivíduos que responderam um questionário socioeconômico e assistencial. A funcionalidade e incapacidade foram a...
Source: Revista CEFAC - April 12, 2021 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Voice- and swallowing-related symptoms after total thyroidectomy: evidence from a Brazilian national survey
Conclusion: Brazilian women submitted to total thyroidectomy have a high prevalence of voice- and swallowing-related symptoms, the former being predominant.RESUMO Objetivo: estimar a preval ência de sintomas relacionados à voz e deglutição em mulheres submetidas à tireoidectomia total. Métodos: estudo de base populacional, observacional, transversal e analítico, baseado em um survey nacional brasileiro. Participaram do estudo 252 mulheres submetidas à tireoidectomia total, com idades entre 18 e 58 anos, residentes nas cinco regiões geográficas do país. Todas responderam a versão traduzida e adaptada para o p...
Source: Revista CEFAC - March 11, 2021 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Early screening of reading and writing difficulties in the first grade - a pilot study
Conclusion: the early screening allows for the identification of the risk factors for dyslexia, making it possible to implement preventive and personalized phonological skills training to make the literacy process easier.RESUMO Objetivo: investigar a efic ácia de uma triagem de identificação precoce baseada no teste Dibels 6th Edition, a fim de identificar precocemente crianças do primeiro ano escolar com risco para Dislexia. Métodos: a amostra foi constituída por 34 crianças avaliadas em dois momentos, sendo a triagem realizada enquanto esta vam no primeiro ano do ensino fundamental e um ditado de palavras quando...
Source: Revista CEFAC - March 11, 2021 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Content and layout validation of indicators to assess the degree of implementation of the Hearing Conservation Program
Conclusion: the indicators were validated to meet and represent the functions of quality, control, and follow-up of the Hearing Conservation Program, aiding administrators to carry out their responsibilities and making it possible to construct evaluative instruments.RESUMO Objetivo: validar indicadores e par âmetros para a construção de um instrumento de avaliação do Programa de Conservação Auditiva. Métodos: pesquisa metodológica de validação de conteúdo e aparência de indicadores para avaliação do Programa de Conservação Auditiva mediante aplicação do método Delphi, bem como a val idação semântic...
Source: Revista CEFAC - March 11, 2021 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Abnormal findings on digital vectoelectronystagmography in patients with temporomandibular disorders
Conclusion: patients with TMDs may present vectoelectronystagmography abnormalities characterized by unilateral or bilateral hyperreflexia and unilateral hyporeflexia of post-caloric nystagmus. (Source: Revista CEFAC)
Source: Revista CEFAC - February 6, 2021 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Multidimensional voice assessment: the immediate effects of Lax Vox® in singers with voice complaints
Conclusion: the Lax Vox® vocal technique, in the studied singers with a complaint of dysphonia, promoted an increase in the fundamental frequency, for males. In the aero dynamic parameters, in both sexes, it promoted an increase in the airflow and aerodynamic power.RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar, de forma multidimensional, o efeito da t écnica vocal Lax Vox® em cantores com queixas vocais. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo comparativo intrassujeitos. Foram avaliados 30 cantores, sendo 13 homens e 17 mulheres, com idade entre 18 e 55 anos, que apresentaram queixa vocal autorreferida e presença de sintomas vocais. Os participa...
Source: Revista CEFAC - January 25, 2021 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Modulation rate and age effect on intermittent speech recognition
Conclusion: an age effect was verified on intermittent speech recognition: older adults have greater difficulty. A modulation rate effect was also noticed in the three age groups: the higher the rate, the better the performance.RESUMO Objetivo: investigar o reconhecimento auditivo da fala intermitente em fun ção de diferentes taxas de modulação e em função da idade. Métodos: participaram do estudo vinte jovens, vinte adultos de meia idade, e dezesseis idosos, todos com limiares auditivos iguais ou menores que 25 dB NA até a frequência de 4000 Hz. Os participantes foram submetidos a testes de r econhecimento da f...
Source: Revista CEFAC - January 25, 2021 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

ERRATUM: Effects of chemotherapy on the auditory system of children with cancer: a systematic literature review
ABSTRACT The present study investigated if Dialogic Reading for Comprehension can help children improve their retelling skills. Earlier studies suggest that Dialogic Reading promotes the inclusion of psychological story elements, but has little effect on the organization of plot sequences. Dialogic Reading for Comprehension is a development of Dialogic Reading aimed at comprehension. It uses scaffolding based on (a) structure of story events and (b), the meaning of story events (narrative functions). A single subject design was used across participants for two of the children and an adapted alternating treatment design for...
Source: Revista CEFAC - January 23, 2021 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Dialogic Reading for Comprehension: effects on children's story retelling - a case report
ABSTRACT The present study investigated if Dialogic Reading for Comprehension can help children improve their retelling skills. Earlier studies suggest that Dialogic Reading promotes the inclusion of psychological story elements, but has little effect on the organization of plot sequences. Dialogic Reading for Comprehension is a development of Dialogic Reading aimed at comprehension. It uses scaffolding based on (a) structure of story events and (b), the meaning of story events (narrative functions). A single subject design was used across participants for two of the children and an adapted alternating treatment design for...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Association between the auditory profile and speech-language-hearing diagnosis in children and adolescents
Conclusion: given the associations found, it is proposed that children and adolescents with changes in speech undergo the Auditory Processing Simplified Assessment to verify the possibility of changed aspects, favoring directed therapeutic interventions.RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a associa ção entre o resultado da avaliação auditiva e o diagnóstico fonoaudiológico de crianças e adolescentes atendidos em um ambulatório universitário. Métodos: trata-se de estudo observacional transversal, baseado em análise dos prontuários de crianças e adolescentes atendidos em um ambulat ório de avaliação fonoaudiológica...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Developmental Stuttering Screening Instrument: development and content validation
Conclusion: the proposed instrument showed content-based validity evidence that made it possible, up to the present moment, to adjust it to its construct. It is suggested that the validation process continue, employing new accuracy measures.RESUMO Objetivo: elaborar um instrumento de rastreio com fins de identifica ção do risco para gagueira do desenvolvimento em crianças pré-escolares. Métodos: os procedimentos foram divididos em duas etapas: A primeira etapa - teórica, consistiu na revisão da literatura e a construção dos itens que compõe o instrumento; A segunda etapa - validação de conteúdo, consistiu da...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Scale of Auditory Behaviors in the monitoring of acoustically controled auditory training
Conclusion: the subjective perception of the individuals and their family members could be identified by the application of SAB in the pre and post auditory training, revealing an improvement in auditory and attention behaviors.RESUMO Objetivo: identificar a percep ção subjetiva por meio da Escala de Funcionamento Auditivo após um programa de treinamento auditivo acusticamente controlado. Métodos: participaram deste estudo 23 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 6 a 15 anos. Critérios de inclusão: apresentar limiares auditivos menores do q ue 20 dBNA entre 250 e 8000 Hz, timpanometria com curvas tipo ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Profile of users receiving Speech-Language Therapy service at a Critical Patient Unit
Conclusion: the profile of the critical patient and the speech-language therapy work in this field represent a first step to characterize the role of the speech-language therapist in Intensive Medicine teams.RESUMEN Objetivo: describir el perfil de usuarios atendidos por fonoaudi ólogos en una unidad de paciente crítico. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo con temporalidad ex post facto. Se analizaron los resúmenes estadísticos mensuales de usuarios internados durante los meses de enero a diciembre de 2018, en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de u n hospital público. Se describieron los datos ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Auditory effects of recreational and occupational noise exposure among dental students: a cross-sectional study
Conclusions: the occupational noise exposure was not significantly associat ed to auditory system dysfunction. In addition, the differences in notch prevalence could be related to recreational noise exposure.RESUMEN Objetivo: determinar los efectos auditivos producto de la exposici ón a ruido recreacional y ocupacional en estudiantes de Odontología. Métodos: se reclutó a 42 estudiantes de odontología expuestos rutinariamente a ruido ocupacional, y a 72 estudiantes de otras carreras del área de la salud (grupo control). Se evaluó mediante audiometría, emisiones otoacú sticas, junto con aplicar cuestionarios para ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

The language aspects of children with high abilities/giftedness: an integrative literature review
Conclusion: the language of children diagnosed with high abilities and giftedness has particularities that must be better studied, as their development differs from that of other children.RESUMO Objetivo: analisar informa ções e características sobre a linguagem de crianças com diagnóstico para altas habilidades e superdotação. Métodos: revisão integrativa da literatura realizada a partir da busca de dados em bases eletrônicas do Portal de Pesquisas da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, LILACS, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, utilizando combinação das palavras chaves “ Fonoaudiologia e altas habilidades ” , “ super...
Source: Revista CEFAC - November 11, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research