Measuring the new world of online work
Labour markets are changing dramatically, with millions now finding and carrying out work online. However, as official statistics only capture traditional labour markets, an EU-funded project has been tracking the growing world of online work. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 14, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

How our brains share emotions, such as intense fear
Although being stuck in a brain scanner while being exposed to a horror film may not be everyone's idea of fun, monitoring volunteers' grey cells throughout this process can tell scientists a lot. EU-funded research using this and other memorable techniques has generated new knowledge on the way we process and transmit social information. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 9, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Neue Lösungen helfen Kommunalverwaltungen im Kampf gegen Cyberangriffe
Cyberangriffe gegen Kommunalverwaltungen kommen immer häufiger vor. Zur Unterstützung hat ein EU-finanziertes Projekt Werkzeuge und Dienste entwickelt, um diesen Attacken vorzubeugen und wirksam auf sie zu reagieren. Auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauend werden Kommunalverwaltungen in Europa von stabileren Cybersicherheitsprogrammen profitieren, die letztendlich beim Schutz der Bürgerdaten helfen werden. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 8, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

New solutions help local public administrations fight cyberattacks
Cyberattacks against local governments are on the rise. To help fight back, an EU-funded project has developed and tested a suite of tools and services for preventing and effectively reacting to these attacks. Based on these results, local public administrations in Europe will benefit from a more robust cybersecurity programme that will ultimately help protect citizens and their precious data. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 8, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Nuevas soluciones permiten a las administraciones públicas locales combatir los ciberataques
Los ataques cibernéticos contra los gobiernos locales van en aumento, por lo que un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos ha desarrollado y probado un paquete de instrumentos y servicios para prevenir y reaccionar ante estos ataques. Así, las administraciones públicas locales de Europa dispondrán de un programa de ciberseguridad robusto para proteger a los ciudadanos y sus datos. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 8, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

De nouvelles solutions aident les administrations publiques locales à lutter contre les cyberattaques
Les cyberattaques contre les gouvernements locaux augmentent. Un projet financé par l’UE a développé et testé une suite d’outils et de services visant à empêcher ces attaques et à réagir efficacement. Sur la base de ces résultats, les administrations publiques locales en Europe bénéficieront d’un programme de cybersécurité renforcé destiné à protéger les citoyens et leurs précieuses données. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 8, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Nuove soluzioni aiutano le pubbliche amministrazioni locali a combattere gli attacchi informatici
Gli attacchi informatici contro gli enti locali sono in aumento. Per combatterli, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha sviluppato e collaudato strumenti e servizi per evitare e reagire efficacemente a questi attacchi. Sulla base di questi risultati, le pubbliche amministrazioni locali in Europa beneficeranno di un programma più solido di sicurezza informatica che proteggerà i dati dei cittadini. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 8, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Nowe rozwiązania wspomagają samorządy w walce z cyberatakami
Samorządy lokalne coraz częściej padają ofiarą cyberataków. Walkę z tym zjawiskiem wspiera zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu, w ramach którego powstał zestaw narzędzi i usług wspomagających reagowanie na ataki. Dzięki opracowanym rozwiązaniom organy administracji samorządowej w Europie będą w stanie lepiej zadbać o cyberbezpieczeństwo, chroniąc tym samym mieszkańców oraz ich cenne dane. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 8, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Greener ingredients from algae to boost bioeconomy
Algae grown, harvested and processed using new techniques developed by EU-funded researchers could supply greener alternatives to common ingredients - putting more eco-friendly cosmetics on the shelf and adding more sustainable foods to the menu. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 7, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Better ethical practices for using big data
The EU-funded E-SIDES project gathered together many different industry players who use big data as well as data researchers. It developed a set of guidelines on how to use this data without overstepping ethical boundaries. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 2, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Die Geheimnisse der schwarzen Löcher
Spielen massive schwarze Löcher bei der Evolution von Galaxien eine Rolle – und wenn ja, welche? Mit hochmodernen Röntgenteleskopen wollte ein EU-finanziertes Projekt einen genaueren Blick auf diese mysteriösen Himmelskörper werfen. Seine Entdeckungen erweitern das gängige Verständnis vom Universum deutlich. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 1, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Unravelling the mysteries of black holes
What role - if any - do massive black holes play in the evolution of a galaxy? To find out, an EU-funded project used highly advanced X-ray telescopes to get a closer look at these mysterious celestial bodies. What they discovered greatly expands our understanding of the universe. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 1, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Desvelar los misterios de los agujeros negros
¿Qué papel desempeñan los agujeros negros masivos en la evolución de una galaxia? Con el fin de averiguarlo, un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos utilizó telescopios de rayos X muy avanzados que permiten observar más de cerca estos misteriosos cuerpos celestes. Sus descubrimientos amplían enormemente nuestro conocimiento sobre el universo. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 1, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Déchiffrer les mystères des trous noirs
Quel rôle, si tant est qu’il y en ait un, les trous noirs massifs jouent-ils dans l’évolution d’une galaxie? Pour le savoir, un projet financé par l’UE a utilisé des télescopes à rayons X très avancés pour étudier de plus près ces mystérieux corps célestes. Ses découvertes ont considérablement renforcé notre compréhension de l’univers. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 1, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Svelare i misteri dei buchi neri
Qual è il ruolo, se esiste, svolto dai buchi neri massicci nell’evoluzione di una galassia? Per scoprirlo, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha impiegato telescopi a raggi X estremamente avanzati per osservare più da vicino questi misteriosi corpi celesti. Ciò che ha scoperto amplia notevolmente la nostra comprensione dell’universo. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - December 1, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news