Autism diagnosis in the 21st century: evolution of subdomains in nosological categorizations
This study analyzed the evolution of the diagnosis of autism during the 21st century with use of the domains and subdomains that served as basis for nosological categorizations. Additionally, the auxiliary instruments used, some diagnostic technologies under development, and conceptual models that address neuropsychological profiles are presented. This documentary research utilized diagnostic manuals of the period. The domains of social interaction, communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior patterns were maintained in the different diagnostic manuals addressed. The subdomains of social interaction and communica...
Source: Psicologia USP - October 28, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Preparation for death: phenomenological investigation on the experience of long-lived older adults
Resumo O envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno mundial que ganhou destaque nas últimas décadas. Nesse contexto, a morte aparece como questão difícil, pois se trata de um tema tabu na cultura ocidental. À luz da fenomenologia existencial, este projeto objetivou compreender a experiência de idosos longevos que consideram que se prepararam para a morte. Constataram-se diversas iniciativas permeando questões financeiras, emocionais, sociais, corporais, materiais e até espirituais. O sentido dessas preparações se desvelou como um cuidar da vida, pois se mostraram tentativas de garantir a melhor qualidade na exis...
Source: Psicologia USP - October 28, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The experience of patients with psychogenic non epileptic seizures: interpretative and action framework
The objective of this paper is to investigate the therapeutic trajectories and experiences of patients with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Crisis (PNES) under treatment in a General Hospital of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten patients diagnosed with PNES. For data analysis, a qualitative methodology based on thematic analysis was adopted. A central category has been identified: Therapeutic Itineraries within the Ethnomedical System, and three subcategories: (1) Diagnoses received; (2) Resources of the ethnomedical system; and (3) Evaluation of the resources used. The diffi...
Source: Psicologia USP - October 28, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Motivation for different physical activities: a comparison among sports, exercises and body/movement practices
Abstract Despite the well-known benefits for health, low levels of physical activity (PA) remain a public health issue. Research on motives for engaging in different PA shows differences in motives for Sports and Exercises. However, few studies addressed motives using more categories of PA. In this research, we investigated motives for four categories of PA (Individual Sports, Collective Sports, Exercises, and Body/Movement Practices), and possible effects of sex and age among 1,420 physically active individuals. Respondents answered the Motivation for Physical Activity Measure Revised. Intrinsic motives were higher for Sp...
Source: Psicologia USP - October 28, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The experience of psychologists in a health multiprofessional internship program
Conclusion: the intersubjective experiences provided significant personal and professional learning, implying the importance of pedagogical strategies that consider the affective-emotional processes experienced by residents.R ésumé Cette recherche visait à comprendre l ’ exp érience de psychologues ayant fait l ’ exp érience de formation en résidence dans des établissements de santé multidisciplinaires. Il s ’ agissait de recherches exploratoires qualitatives bas ées sur la phénoménologie husserlienne. Des réunions de dialogue ont eu lieu entre la chercheuse et six participants de programmes de résidence...
Source: Psicologia USP - October 28, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Commemorating May 1968: the anarchist imagery and negative leadership
Resumo Em 2018, os “ acontecimentos de Maio de 1968 ” co-memoraram cinquenta anos. No Brasil, co-memor ávamos os cinco anos de junho de 2013, uma parte do composto do “ ciclo de lutas ” . Esses dois momentos t êm em comum, entre outras coisas, o fato de nos fazer pensá-los ainda hoje, pois, apesar de terem findado enquanto ato, eles continuam a existir em termos de afeto e efeito. Eles fazem parte de uma memória coletiva, de uma co-memória, que permite que se participe junto em razão daquilo que deix aram no tempo depois. São significados, sentidos e restos que se manifestam no campo sócio-político e no c...
Source: Psicologia USP - October 28, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Hans Bellmer and your little anatomy of the image: own body and psychoanalysis
Resumo Em Petite Anatomie de l ’ image (1949), o artista Hans Bellmer formula uma teoria da imagem do corpo que parte da premissa de que a anatomia humana é subjetiva, imaginária e até permeada por estados psicopatológicos. Assim, Bellmer mostra um corpo interno desenhado por traços de memória e por uma imagem puramente psíquica, ou seja, ele coloca em cena o corpo pulsional. Diante dessa obra, perguntamos o que o artista ensina à psicanálise lacaniana sobre o corpo próprio e sua representação, conceitos importantes para a clínica. Nesse sentido, uma indicação valiosa orientará esta discussão: o segredo...
Source: Psicologia USP - October 28, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Youth trajectories for social policies: ensuring or violating rights?
This article presents the trajectories of young people regarding access to social policies in compliance with social and educational measure services in order to understand how Brazilian social policies have an opportunistic trajectory of guaranteeing rights and favorable conditions for the development of children and adolescents. The theoretical framework used was the cultural-historical psychology of Vigotski. Interviews were conducted with ten young people and then analyzed through Thematic Content Analysis. The results revealed that the young participants of this research accessed the actions promoted by the social pol...
Source: Psicologia USP - October 28, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Disassembly of diagnosis and orientation towards the singular: Jacques Lacan’s patient presentations
This article analyzed the transcriptions of three patient presentations conducted by Jacques Lacan at the Hospital of Sainte-Anne in 1976. The analysis of these interviews aimed to apprehend how Lacan proceeded as an analyst with respect to the use of diagnostic categories and the management of the tension between the universality of the clinical type and the singularity of the single case. The analysis revealed that although Lacan did not refuse to use terms derived from classical psychiatry or to make the structural diagnosis of the interviewed patients, these aspects were not the focus of his interest. Lacan dispensed t...
Source: Psicologia USP - September 19, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Construction of meanings and ambiguities in the context of internship supervision in psychology
Resumo Na forma ção de psicólogos, o tripé supervisão-estágio-ensino é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais. Todavia a relação estreita entre estas três esferas ocasiona, por vezes, uma compreensão nebulosa sobre a práxis concernente a cada um destes campos. À luz do dialog ismo bakhtiniano e da intersubjetividade, este artigo visa a analisar a construção de significados sobre supervisão de estágio, por meio das ambiguidades que enlaçam esta atividade. Foi possível analisar que as ambiguidades permeadas pelo tripé formativo ocasionam tensões nas relações inte rsubjetivas,...
Source: Psicologia USP - September 16, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Generational inversion in the family: Repercussions of parentification in adult life
Resumo Este trabalho discute o processo de invers ão geracional na família, tendo como enfoque as repercussões da parentalização na vida adulta. Inicialmente, investiga-se o conceito de parentalização, das primeiras impressões no campo psicanalítico à sua configuração no campo das psicoterapias de família. Em seguida, diferencia-se a n oção de parentalização destrutiva da parentalização construtiva. Posteriormente, discute-se sobre as repercussões da parentalização na vida adulta, utilizando fragmentos de casos clínicos como ilustração. Considera-se que a inversão geracional em seu espectro crôni...
Source: Psicologia USP - September 16, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The unrepeatability of art
This article analyzes elements that function as repetitions in pieces of art. We demonstrate how repetition, together with Freud ’ s concept of the uncanny (Unheimlich) can be seen in the artist ’ s need to have a new encounter with the same piece in order to once again meet what is most radical in oneself. We utilize the contemporary aesthetic theory of Jacques Derrida and Georges Didi-Huberman as theoretical framework, as they observe the phenomenon of devaluation (d ésaisissement), which is an impossibility of visibility that causes a blindness towards the object. We present a brief clinical review of a case we dea...
Source: Psicologia USP - September 16, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The importance of Thomas Ogden’s thought for contemporary psychoanalysis
This article presents the importance of Thomas Ogden ’ s thought for contemporary psychoanalysis. Its main characteristic is a discourse and a way of thinking that take into account intrapsychic and intersubjective dimensions in the psychoanalysis field. The experience with the clinical matrix of schizophrenia is the preferred starting point for his theoretical framework. We highlight in this text three major contributions throughout his work: a) the state of non-experience, b) the autistic-contiguous position, and c) the analytic-third.R ésumé Cet article présente l ’ importance de la pens ée de Thomas Ogden pour ...
Source: Psicologia USP - September 16, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The story of life according to Walter Benjamin: contributions to identity studies
Resumo O relato de hist ória de vida não é, como muitos pensam, uma metodologia de fácil aplicação, pelo menos em se levando em consideração o pensamento de Walter Benjamin, para quem a história não é simples relato de fatos, mas um encadeamento de experiências que nem sempre podem ser expressas sem correr risc os que, em grande medida, prejudicam ou violentam a consciência do indivíduo que faz do relato um meio para encontrar “ reden ção ” (Erl ösung) de experiências do passado marcadas de sofrimentos. Acrescente-se a isso o fato de que, segundo o autor, com a modernidade, perdeu-se a capacidade tan...
Source: Psicologia USP - September 11, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

In this study, we discuss the articulations between CAPSi and other services of the Psychosocial Care Network, especially regarding referrals. It also discusses medicalization without record of prognosis and the challenges of exercising the “ expanded clinical ” practice and the logic of psychosocial work, which opposes the exclusively biomedical paradigm, simplifying the phenomena of child development.R ésumé Une étude rétrospective descriptive. L ’ objectif c ’ était de caractériser les enfants et adolescents traités dans une CAPSi au cours de leur dixième année d ’ activit é et faire la comparaison ...
Source: Psicologia USP - August 22, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research