Trudno ści w ustaleniu etiologii zmian płucnych u 15-letniej dziewczynki z wrzodziejącym zapaleniem jelita grubego
Publication date: Available online 15 July 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Anna Góra, Katarzyna Bąk-Drabik, Jolanta Porębska, Franciszek Halkiewicz, Katarzyna Ziora, Edyta Machura Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease. In the course of this disease, a number of extraintestinal manifestations have been described. They can occur in almost every organ and system, which allows to consider UC as a systemic disorder. Pulmonary manifestations are rare. Their clinical picture is diverse, often mimicking the separate disease entities of respiratory system. The symptoms presented by patients are...
Source: Pediatria Polska - July 15, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Wymiary cia ła noworodków urodzonych na Mazowszu w jednym ośrodku w latach 2011–2015
Conclusions (1) The mean BW value in the study cohort was similar to that observed in Poland over the past several decades. (2) The mean birth length of a Masovian cohort cannot be compared against the standards set by the WHO because of the differences in the measurement methods. Birth length measurements should be based on the principles of anthropology and the use of a measuring tape should be discontinued. (3) The BHC value in the Masovian cohort did not differ from the standards set by the WHO or the standards published in Poland. A tendency for the BHC to increase with a simultaneous decrease in the BL has been obser...
Source: Pediatria Polska - July 13, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Rola torakoskopii w diagnostyce gru źlicy opłucnej
Conclusions Tuberculosis is still a current clinical problem. Negative inflammatory factors do not exclude the active tuberculosis process. Imaging studies are not specific to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Thoracoscopy gives you the opportunity to evaluate the lung and lung cavity and to take material for histopathological examination – which, in the case of a tuberculosis test, allows for proper and specific treatment. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - July 13, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Preoperative Wilms tumor rupture: Controversial diagnosis. Case report
Publication date: Available online 13 July 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Wojciech Apoznański, Dariusz Patkowski, Marcin Polok, Elżbieta Kamińska, Tomasz Szydełko, Krystyna Sawicz-Birkowska Preoperative Wilms tumor rupture is a challenge for tumor management as it may require upstaging. Tumor spillage of nephroblastoma may seriously affect the prognosis. The following study is a case report of preoperative Wilms tumor rupture in the left kidney of a child, resulting from blunt force trauma. The child was operated on with no prior chemotherapy. Wilms tumor rupture was confirmed intraoperatively. Nephrob...
Source: Pediatria Polska - July 13, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Metabolizm bilirubiny i jego znaczenie w patogenezie zespo łów Rotora oraz Dubina i Johnsona – aktualny stan wiedzy
Publication date: Available online 7 July 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Patryk Lipiński, Sabina Więcek, Irena Jankowska Authors present the prevailing knowledge about bilirubin metabolism and its implications in Rotor and Dubin-Johnson syndromes. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - July 7, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Niedoceniana rola torakoskopii w diagnostyce gru źlicy opłucnej
Conclusions Tuberculosis is still a current clinical problem. Negative inflammatory factors do not exclude the active tuberculosis process. Imaging studies are not specific to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Thoracoscopy gives you the opportunity to evaluate the lung and lung cavity and to take material for histopathological examination – which, in the case of a tuberculosis test, allows for proper and specific treatment. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - July 2, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Świąd skóry w przebiegu cholestatycznych chorób wątroby – aktualny stan wiedzy
Publication date: Available online 29 June 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Patryk Lipiński, Andrzej Osiecki, Magdalena Naorniakowska, Dorota Gliwicz, Irena Jankowska Pruritus is a frequent manifestation of cholestatic disorders. Authors present the currently available knowledge regarding its pathogenesis and pharmacological treatment. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 30, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Nieswoista choroba zapalna jelit o wczesnym i bardzo wczesnym pocz ątku
Publication date: Available online 29 June 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Urszula Daniluk, Jarosław Kierkuś, Dariusz Lebensztejn It is known that certain patients with very early onset IBD (diagnosis before 6 years of age) have a higher possibility of immune deficiency with monogenetic aetiology. The growing prevalence of these types of disorders forces the gastroenterologist to gain some knowledge about the symptoms and further diagnostic management, which includes consultation with the clinical immunologist. The resemblance of the clinical manifestation of early-onset Crohn's disease with ulcerative colit...
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 30, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Zaburzenia neurologiczne u dzieci wertykalnie zaka żonych HIV
Conclusion The occurrence of neurological disorders is influenced by the degree of immunodeficiency, HIV viral load at diagnosis, and age of initiation of ARV therapy. Starting ARV treatment <12 months of age has a neuroprotective effect. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 30, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Zaburzenie polegaj ące na ograniczaniu/unikaniu przyjmowania pokarmów – rozważania w świetle wyników badań
Publication date: Available online 30 June 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Beata Ziółkowska Advoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is not a new phenomenon. It has so far been recognized as possibly a non-specific eating disorder (EDNOS). However, the latest DSM-5 diagnostic classification distinguishes this syndrome from infant feeding and eating disorders (up to 6 years of age), as ARFID symptoms are also seen in older children, adolescents and adults. A short history of research on this team brings many important but insufficient to know its specific data. Due to this, it is important to undertak...
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 30, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Wp ływ zanieczyszczenia powietrza na układ oddechowy dzieci – przegląd dotychczasowych badań
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Jadwiga Biela-Mazur, Kamila Woźniak, Zbigniew Doniec The influence of air pollution on childrens’ respiratory system has become a common, widespread health problem. It occurs to have influence not only on asthma exacebrations, but also on lung development and function. We conducted a systematic review on recent researches presenting influence of both short- and long-term air pollution exposure in children. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 27, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Znaczenie komunikacji lekarza z pacjentem dla post ępowania terapeutycznego w czasie trwania ciąży i po urodzeniu dziecka. Analiza przypadku oraz obecnego stanu prawnego
Publication date: Available online 22 June 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Krzysztof Szmyd, Olgierd Pankiewicz, Robert Śmigiel, Jadwiga Węcławek-Tompol, Barbara Królak-Olejnik The decision to terminate causative treatment greatly affects the course of treatment and the patient's future. There is a serious conflict when there is a significant difference in opinion about further treatment between the physician and the patient or his family. In the present paper, there is a case report of a child born with Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect in the form of an atrioventricular canal with the atresia ...
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 23, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Zachowania sedentarne a nieswoiste dolegliwo ści psychosomatyczne młodzieży szkolnej
Conclusions Sedentary behaviours have negative impact on the well-being in adolescents. There is a need to work out the educational strategies in order to limit their screen time as well as to promote higher physical activity. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 23, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Definitive surgery for Hirschsprung's disease under 4 months of age is associated with long-term complications: A cohort study
Conclusions In children with Hirschsprung's disease the definitive surgery should be considered no sooner than in the 4 months of age. Intestine ought to be exteriorized previously. Further studies in large cohorts are warranted in order to identify independent outcome-associated factors. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 20, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Torbiele paj ęczynówki u noworodków – opis 4 przypadków
Publication date: Available online 15 June 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Dorota Lisowska-Mikołajków, Agata Mikołajków, Jędrzej Reczuch, Barbara Królak Olejnik Arachnoid cysts are one of the endocranial pathologies occurring between dura mater of cerebrum and cerebellum and pia mater. The symptoms of arachnoid cysts depend on their size and localization. Small cysts are usually asymptomatic or present mild symptoms. Vast cysts cause mass effect, create pressure, displace surrounding tissues, and increase intracranial pressure, which may lead to neurological symptoms. The most common localization of cys...
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 16, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research