Jako ść życia chorych z nagłym niedosłuchem czuciowo-nerwowym
Conclusions The indicated ambiguous influence of the treatment of patients suffering from SSNHL on their quality of life demonstrates the need to continue such research. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Poszczepienne gru źlicze zapalenie ucha środkowego i jego powikłania – opis przypadku
Conclusion This case reminds us that correct diagnosis of tuberculosis remains a serious problem despite the long experience and the development of diagnostics and treatment methods. Nowadays we observe the unusual clinical manifestations of the disease (e.g. such as ear pain, tinnitus, rapid hearing loss) more frequently. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Operacje ratuj ące w nieresekcyjnych guzach szyi. Wyniki leczenia po podwiązaniu tętnicy szyjnej wspólnej
Publication date: May–June 2014 Source:Otolaryngologia Polska, Volume 68, Issue 3 Author(s): Maciej Pabiszczak, Elżbieta Waśniewska-Okupniak, Małgorzata Wierzbicka, Witold Szyfter The aim of this study was to analyze two cases with advance tumors of the neck with infiltration of the common or internal carotid artery. Patients were surgically treated in Department of Otolaryngology Poznan University of Medical Sciences. Authors present the current state of knowledge concerning the proceedings in unresectable tumors of the neck and possibility to use the salvage surgery. Based on literature data and our own ...
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Problemy zdrowia psychicznego matek i ojc ów dzieci głuchych z implantem ślimakowym
Conclusions The mental health of parents of the deaf CI using children indicates that both mothers and fathers have problems in this sphere related to their child's deafness, but not to the duration of child's CI use. Parents of deaf, CI using children may need psychological help regardless of the time their child has been using the cochlear implant. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Analiza por ównawcza wyników leczenia zaburzeń drożności nosa z zastosowaniem septoplastyki i septokonchoplastyki
Publication date: May–June 2014 Source:Otolaryngologia Polska, Volume 68, Issue 3 Author(s): Jarosław Balcerzak, Izabela Łukawska, Antoni Grzanka, Kazimierz Niemczyk The nasal septal deviation coexistent with turbinate hypertrophy is considered one of the most common causes of nasal patency disorders. There is no doubt that septoplasty in most such cases is a proper treatment method. It is more difficult to clearly identify indications and predict the consequences of septoconchoplasty. The main aim of this study is to compare the impact of each of these procedures on subjective and objective measures of nas...
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Skala Warszawska A –E oceny endoskopowych zmian w krtani związanych z refluksem gardłowo-krtaniowym. Korelacja ze skalą patologii refluksowej (RFS)
Conclusions The study showed a statistically significant correlation of Warsaw A–E scale of laryngopharyngeal changes with a commonly used scale of RFS according to Belafsky. It was found that the Warsaw A–E scale is easier to use and less time consuming. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Zastosowanie chrz ąstki w mikrochirurgii ucha środkowego. Wskazania, technika, wyniki
Conclusions The usefulness of cartilage in tympanoplasties is much the same in cartilage–palisade technique as well as in monolytic, non-palisade technique. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Ocena jako ści głosu po usunięciu nowotworów T1 i T2 głośni z jednoczesną rekonstrukcją fałdu głosowego uszypułowanym płatem z mięśnia mostkowo-tarczowego
Conclusions Evaluation of the quality of voice after removing the tumor multiplicity in the glottis with simultaneous reconstruction “vocal fold” has confirmed that this is a very good surgical technique, which allows radically curing cancer for the simultaneous preservation of a good voice. The operation has limited indications for radiotherapy because of the desire to preserve the phonatory function of the larynx, and thus avoids the negative effects of radiation. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Brodawczaki odwr ócone nosa i zatok przynosowych w materiale własnym
Conclusions In surgery, the endoscopic technique allows for an effective removal of inverted papilloma from the nose and paranasal sinuses. According to the authors, endoscopy is the most valuable method for post-operative monitoring of recurrent inverted papilloma. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Proces gojenia perforacji b łon bębenkowych u szczurów
Conclusions The present results indicate that the squamous epithelium covering the outer surface of TM constitutes the first layer which restores continuity of TM. The proliferation of the connective tissue occurs in the direct vicinity of the proliferating and migrating epithelium. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Z ębopochodne stany zapalne tkanek miękkich twarzy i szyi w materiale Oddziału Otolaryngologii Szpitala Wojewódzkiego im. św. Łukasza w Tarnowie – obserwacja 5-letnia
Publication date: September–October 2014 Source:Otolaryngologia Polska, Volume 68, Issue 5 Author(s): Agnieszka Wojtarowicz, Wiesław Dobroś Introduction In the ethology of inflammations within the head and neck area, odontogenic ethology still plays an important role. Early recognition, diagnosis and management of odontogenic infections are requisites for avoiding or minimizing the development of potential complications. The aim of the study The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyze the clinical presentation, surgical management and cost implications of patients treated for odontogenic inflammation...
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Wyniki leczenia operacyjnego raka krtani w r óżnych typach laryngektomii częściowej na podstawie materiału własnego
Publication date: September–October 2014 Source:Otolaryngologia Polska, Volume 68, Issue 5 Author(s): Małgorzata Kardasz-Ziomek, Wojciech Ścierski, Grzegorz Namysłowski The aim of the study was to evaluate the oncological results of laryngeal cancer treatment performed in the Laryngology University Ward in Zabrze in the years 1990–2000, depending on the type of partial surgery applied. Materials and methods Retrospective clinical material includes 209 patients in whom surgery was a primary treatment method. No distant metastases (M1) or another malignant cancer were found. In all 209 patients the squamou...
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Odleg łe wyniki i analiza przyczyn niepowodzeń u chorych na raka krtani napromienianych konwencjonalnie i schematem przyspieszonego frakcjonowania w latach 1995–1998
Publication date: November–December 2014 Source:Otolaryngologia Polska, Volume 68, Issue 6 Author(s): Zbigniew Szutkowski, Andrzej Kawecki, Andrzej Jarząbski The clinical material consists of 217 patients with squamous cell carcinoma in supraglottic and glottic larynx in clinical stage T1–3N0M0 irradiated radically in Warsaw Oncology Centre in 1995–1998. All patients were treated with Co-60, according to two schedules of fractionation, with maintenance of the consistent therapeutic protocol. The same team of doctors worked on the treatment of patients and on the follow-up as well. The clinical material is ...
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Polska wersja testu Sniffin ’ Sticks – adaptacja i normalizacja
Conclusions The presented findings suggest that the adapted version of the Sniffin’ Sticks Test might be used for both medical and research purposes in Poland. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Chordektomia wewn ętrzna i zewnętrzna poprzez rozszczepienie krtani i zastosowaniem lasera CO2
Conclusions The place and size of carcinoma are often dependent on the type of internal and external chordectomy, which is preceded by tracheotomy and is usually dependent on a patient's consent. Too short post-operative follow-up does not allow for the comparison of effective therapies of the two surgical methods. (Source: Otolaryngologia Polska)
Source: Otolaryngologia Polska - July 20, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research