Anomalous values and missing data in clinical and experimental studies
Resumo Durante a an álise dos dados de uma pesquisa científica, é habitual deparar-se com valores anômalos ou dados faltantes. Valores anômalos podem ser resultado de erros de registro, de digitação, de aferição instrumental, ou configurarem verdadeiros outliers. Nesta revisão, são discutidos conceitos, exem plos e formas de identificar e de lidar com tais contingências. No caso de dados faltantes, discutem-se técnicas de imputação dos valores para evitar a exclusão do sujeito da pesquisa, caso não seja possível recuperar a informação das fichas de registro ou reabordar o participante.Abstract During an...
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - May 31, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Comparison of the ankle-brachial index with parameters of stiffness and peripheral arterial resistance assessed by photoplethysmography in elderly patients
Conclusions In conclusion, ABI and PPG exhibited associations with arterial aging, considering its correlation with age. However, ABI was only related to age, sex, and smoking. More studies are needed to evaluate the potential uses of PPG for screening for vascular diseases in ambulatory settings. (Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro)
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - May 23, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Functionality and quality of life of patients with unilateral lymphedema of a lower limb: a cross-sectional study
Conclusions People wit h unilateral lower limb lymphedema exhibited negative impacts on quality of life and functionality, as evaluated by questionnaires, which were correlated with each other. TUG performance was within normal limits, but results correlated with the questionnaires used. (Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro)
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - May 16, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Neovascularization of saphenous veins
(Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro)
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - May 16, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

External jugular vein hemangioma: case report
We report a rare case of a hemangioma arising from the wall of an external jugular vein and discuss diagnostic work-up and management. (Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro)
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - April 26, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Bilateral compartment syndrome of the lower limbs after urological surgery in the lithotomy position: a clinical case
This report aims to highlight the importance of preoperative awareness of this severe complication which, in conjunction with early recognition and immediate surgical management, may mitigate long-term adverse sequelae and improve postoperative outcomes.Resumo A s índrome compartimental aguda dos membros inferiores após cirurgia urológica na posição de litotomia é um problema clínico e médico-legal raro, mas potencialmente devastador. Reportamos o caso de um homem de 67 anos submetido a uma prostatectomia laparoscópica por câncer. A cirurgia durou 1 80 min. No pós-operatório, o paciente desenvolveu síndrome co...
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - April 26, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Endovascular treatment of bilateral isolated aneurysm of the internal iliac artery
We present the case of a patient with an incidental ultrasonographic finding of bilateral aneurysm of the internal iliac arteries, both with indications for surgery. The patient was successfully treated with endovascular techniques, first repairing the right internal iliac with a branched iliac stent graft, preserving patency, then embolizing the left internal iliac artery. Knowledge of the various different techniques and devices and their limitations is fundamental to adequate planning of endovascular treatment, even in rare cases. (Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro)
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - April 26, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Histological changes secondary to use of anti-angiogenic therapy after interruption of vasa vasorum flow in the descending aorta: results in a porcine model
Conclusions The medication exhibited a trend toward reduced angiogenesis and injury, but no reduction in the inflammatory process or intimal thickening of the aortic wall. These findings are in disagreement with studies that correlate neovascularization with increased migration of inflammatory cells. Bevacizumab exhibited toxicity in the porcine model.Resumo Contexto Agentes antiangiog ênicos podem ter implicações terapêuticas na progressão e manifestação da aterosclerose. Objetivos Demonstrar a alteração histológica secundária ao uso de bevacizumabe na aorta descendente de suínos submetida à interrupção d...
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - April 26, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

HDL-C and non-HDL-C levels are associated with anthropometric and biochemical parameters
Conclusions Our results show that both HDL-c and non-HDL-c are associated with insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, atherogenic indices, and obesity. There is therefore a need for randomized clinical intervention trials examining the potential role of non-HDL-c as a possible primary therapeutic target.Resumo Contexto A dislipidemia est á associada à aterosclerose e às doenças cardiovasculares. Recentemente, a lipoproteína de não alta-densidade de colesterol (não HDL-c) emergiu como um novo alvo para avaliação da predição de risco de doença cardiovascular, intimamente associada à progressão da placa de ateroma...
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - April 11, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Energy level: an important determinant of success in vascular surgery
(Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro)
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - April 11, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Renal arteriovenous fistula after renal biopsy: a case report and literature review
We report a case of arteriovenous fistula after renal biopsy that was successfully treated with endovascular coil embolization. (Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro)
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - April 4, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Association between critical limb ischemia and arterial stiffness measured by brachial artery oscillometry
Conclusions Patients with CLI have high arterial stiffness measured by brachial artery oscillometry. The degree of limb ischemia, as measured by the ABI, is a predictor of increased AIx@75. The increased AIx@75 observed in CLI may have implications for the prognosis of this group of patients with advanced atherosclerosis.Resumo Contexto A rigidez arterial aumentada est á associada ao aumento da mortalidade cardiovascular. A relação entre rigidez arterial e isquemia crítica do membro (IC) não está bem estabelecida. Objetivos O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a relação entre índices de rigidez arterial e o gr...
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - April 4, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Algorithm for diagnosis of primary vasculitides
Abstract Primary vasculitides are diseases with a wide variety of anatomical, clinical, radiological, and laboratory presentations. Primary vasculitides are difficult to diagnose because of the complexity of clinical presentation, which may lead to delayed treatment and increased financial costs of workup investigations involving non-essential tests. Our objective in the present study is to create an algorithm that helps diagnosis of Primary vasculitides. The algorithm presented in this article allows fast, simple and cost-effective diagnosis of primary vasculitides using just clinical concepts and a few laboratory tests....
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - March 28, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Spontaneous rupture of superficial femoral artery aneurysm: case report
Resumo Aneurismas verdadeiros isolados da art éria femoral superficial (AFS) são raros, representando 0,5% dos aneurismas periféricos. Até 2012, existiam relatos na literatura de apenas 103 pacientes com aneurismas verdadeiros isolados da AFS. As principais complicações associadas são: trombose, embolização distal e rotura, sendo a úl tima a mais comum. Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente masculino, de 55 anos, atendido emergencialmente com dor e massa pulsátil em coxa esquerda, condição posteriormente diagnosticada como ruptura de aneurisma da AFS. O paciente foi submetido à correção cirúrgica emerg...
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - March 14, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research

Applications of arterial stiffness markers in peripheral arterial disease
The objective of this review is to demonstrate the applicability and utility of assessing measures of arterial stiffness in patients with peripheral arterial disease. (Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro)
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro - March 14, 2019 Category: Surgery Source Type: research