Follow bipolar guy on twitter! I havent been here for a looong time! According to my Feedburner stats there are still approx 200 of you subscribed to BiPolar Etcetera's RSS feed.Despite all the intentions in the world I can't guarantee that I'll ever post to this blog again :(  If I do, it will be some kind of resurrection move which isn't on the radar yet. However I (BPG) am going strong on Twitter. I certainly dont over-tweet and when I do its not really stuff about bipolar. Mad stuff yes (as in tweeted by a BiPolar Guy) , but the PRODUCT OF rather than THE TOPIC OF BiPolar. If you want ON TOPIC Bipolar Stuff I'd...
Source: BiPolar Daily(ish) - August 24, 2014 Category: Mental Illness Authors: BiPolar Guy Source Type: blogs

I'm still here...
Yes, I haven't posted in a while. I guess its a case of "no news is good news". I'm doing pretty well. Have slowly reduced my meds to about half of what they were 18 months ago. Did it very slowly and it has worked wonders. My next goal is to ditch the prozac altogether. Not gonna rush it tho, and I've gotta find a good sustainable positive patch to start the project in. As a result I'm not identifying so much with the "bipolarness" of BiPolar Guy. Quite honestly right now "Photographer Guy" would probably be a better handle. But I'm actually getting tired of handles. I've got so many of the friggin things. Maybe one day I...
Source: BiPolar Daily(ish) - February 13, 2013 Category: Mental Illness Authors: BiPolar Guy Source Type: blogs