With Stage 4 Breast Cancer, ‘Pinktober’ Awareness Just Isn’t Enough

The worst thing about living with metastatic breast cancer during Pinktober is seeing most of the attention placed on disease awareness and prevention. We who have been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer are given little hope beyond continued treatment, and we’re slowly losing faith that a cure is coming. So I am so encouraged by organizations like the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance (MBC Alliance) that are dedicated to helping people with this terminal disease. This organization, whose members are dedicated to giving hope and making life better for us, brings together non-profits, patients, advocates, and pharmaceutical companies all working to improve the quality and length of life for people living with metastatic breast cancer. I am happy to be able to give my fellow metastatic breast cancer patients some great information about the MBC Alliance. Fortunately I was able to interview Marc Hurlbert PhD, its chairman, and ask about the organization and, more importantly, about an initiative launched this year to support better funding and attention for people diagnosed with MBC. ‘Keep Me in the Picture’ Campaign The MBC Alliance campaign “Keep Me in the Picture” allows people living with stage 4 breast cancer to tell their personal stories — to inform those who don’t understand the disease and encourage others living with it. I found the stories poignant and uplifting. Another key component of the campaign is a petition to gather...
Source: Life with Breast Cancer - Category: Cancer & Oncology Authors: Tags: Breast Cancer Source Type: blogs
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