How much do you share?

"managing" wrote:  Sounds like he's wanting to just check out. If you knew you only had three more months left with him would there be something you would want to have said to him or ask him to share with you that was previously not shared but you would like to? If I were these guys I would choose to die as fast as I could and not prolong the suffering in some half-way attempt at Beating this thing with surgeries or treatments that just keep your body alive but not getting better. Just not dying right away. And/or actually make your quality of life worse. Ugh! No thanks! I would choose the quickest and less struggling kind of way. I believe I will choose that, but I don't suppose any of us REALLY know until it is our own time. I wish you good things.We have probably had all of those types of discussions that are possible....and more than just a few times. We also know that we could move to Oregon where assisted death is possible. And yes, we've discussed that.There were moments during his spinal fusion surgeries that we did not know if he would survive. Afterwards we had long talks about it and about the fact that life could end at any moment. Then, 4 years ago, when his mom walked around the end of the her bed and dropped dead with a heart attack - we had many, many discussions. I think that brought it home that either of us could go just as fast. I think it would be the preference for both of us.In some ways, I think he is afraid of d...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - Category: Endocrinology Source Type: blogs
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