
Reining in—October 2023 The hazel door swung ajar onto the penumbrally-lit corridor, the guttural scream of the hinges piercing the silence. The line of mute, quietly agitated applicants for the post uncomfortably positioned on the hard, lime green plastic chairs, reminiscent of museum pieces of 1960s furnishing, their survival having been secured wholly through their durability, providing the institution with a perfect excuse to ‘save resources for priority areas’. "Please come in, doctor." Grateful for the cursory introduction to the panel (mouth so dry as to glue tongue to palate) the interrogation began. The routine questions about qualities of a good doctor, lessons learnt, communication hurdles with the aplomb (a half smile maybe) hoped for given the advance rote learning. The benign-looking eminence-grise was the last to speak: the theme, research. In truth, the candidate would have acknowledged privately that the few citable case series perhaps weren’t world...
Source: Archives of Disease in Childhood - Category: Pediatrics Authors: Tags: Highlights from this issue Source Type: research