Hysteroscopic transillumination as a guide for laparoscopic excision of rudimentary uterine horn: a winning duo.

Anatomic anomalies of the female reproductive genital tract affect about 5.5% of women [1] The Hemi-uterus or class U4 by the ESHRE/ESGE 2013 classification is a rare congenital malformation defined as a unilateral uterine development, with a contralateral part that could be either incompletely formed or absent. This class is divided into two sub-classes depending on the presence or not of a functional rudimentary cavity (U4a/U4b) [2]. The aim of this work is to share our experience performing an hysteroscopic and laparoscopic combined technique to surgically manage this uterine malformation exploiting the hysteroscopic transillumination.
Source: The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology - Category: OBGYN Authors: Tags: Video Article Source Type: research