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Condition: Churg-Strauss Syndrome
Infectious Disease: Hepatitis C
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Total 1 results found since Jan 2013.

Neurological Involvement in Primary Systemic Vasculitis
Conclusion Neurological involvement is a common complication of PSV (Table 1), and neurologists play an important role in the identification and diagnosis of PSV patients with otherwise unexplained neurological symptoms as their chief complaint. This article summarizes the neurological manifestations of PSV and hopes to improve neuroscientists' understanding of this broad range of diseases. TABLE 1 Table 1. Common CNS and PNS involvements of primary systemic vasculitis. Author Contributions SZ conceived the article and wrote the manuscript. DY and GT reviewed and edited the manuscript. All authors ...
Source: Frontiers in Neurology - April 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research