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Drug: Hydralazine
Countries: USA Health

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Total 1 results found since Jan 2013.

A Pregnancy Complication to Look out for even after Pregnancy
​BY GREGORY TAYLOR, DO, & SHERIF G. EL-ALAYLI, DOA 30-year-old G5P3 presented to the ED with bilateral lower-extremity edema and headache for three days. She presented one week after an uncomplicated full-term vaginal delivery with an unremarkable pregnancy course and no prior requirement for antihypertensive therapy. The headache was described as achy to sharp, with associated photophobia. She also noted occasional vaginal spotting, which was common a few weeks after delivery. She denied any chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain, or any other symptoms. She admitted to occasional mild cr...
Source: The Case Files - August 28, 2018 Category: Emergency Medicine Tags: Blog Posts Source Type: research