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Condition: Hemorrhagic Stroke
Management: Employment
Countries: Afghanistan Health

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Total 2 results found since Jan 2013.

DIS-17-0023 The Enduring Health Challenges of Afghan Immigrants and Refugees in Iran: A Systematic Review
This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by the author. Data Availability All national (MagIran, Science Information Database (SID) and Iranmedex) and international (PubMed, Scopus) databases were searched from November 2010 to November 2016 using keywords both in English and Persian: Afghan immigrants, Afghan refugees, Iran, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis B and C, non-communicable disease, food security, mental health, barriers, health insurance, access to health service. All related websites and webpages were also searched by Google with the same keywords ...
Source: PLOS Currents Disasters - July 21, 2017 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Authors: nasim Source Type: research

The Enduring Health Challenges of Afghan Immigrants and Refugees in Iran: A Systematic Review
This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by the author. Data Availability All national (MagIran, Science Information Database (SID) and Iranmedex) and international (PubMed, Scopus) databases were searched from November 2010 to November 2016 using keywords both in English and Persian: Afghan immigrants, Afghan refugees, Iran, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis B and C, non-communicable disease, food security, mental health, barriers, health insurance, access to health service. All related websites and webpages were also searched by Google with the same keywords ...
Source: PLOS Currents Disasters - July 21, 2017 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Authors: nasim Source Type: research