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Condition: Headache
Procedure: MRI Scan
Therapy: Physiotherapy

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Total 1 results found since Jan 2013.

Recurrent headaches: a case of neurological Behçet's disease.
Abstract A 48-year-old black male, of Nigerian heritage, presented with a 24-hour history of frontal headache of gradual onset. The headache characteristic was migranous, being described as throbbing in nature and located to the right frontal area with associated blurring of vision. Although similar to prior frequent headaches, there was now increasing unsteadiness on walking. Diagnosed 10 years earlier with Behçet's disease, the initial presentation was with oral and genital ulceration. Recurrent episodes of headache caused by neurological flare-ups resulted in a stroke at the age of 46 years. This previous stro...
Source: British Journal of Hospital Medicine - October 9, 2013 Category: Internal Medicine Authors: M Ismail A, W Dubrey S, C Patel M Tags: Br J Hosp Med (Lond) Source Type: research