Pantoprazole and Famotidine Question.
In the Summer there was a short supply on pantoprazole and famotidine was used for prophylactic ulcer stress disease. Why is crcl observed when giving a patient famotidine compared to pantoprazole. Thank you Christopher (Source: Student Doctor Network)
Source: Student Doctor Network - October 9, 2017 Category: Universities & Medical Training Authors: Chef boy-ar-C Source Type: forums

Scary case - variceal bleed and possible intubation
So, we had a case today - GI bleed, likely (actually confirmed by GI) to be a variceal based on presentation of a lady w distended abd, etoh hx, scleral icterus. Found in our ER bathroom with a pint of blood in a bucket, bright red. HR 150, SBP 90. So I did the usual - reglan 10 iv, zofran 4 iv, octreotide and protonix boluses and drips. IVF x2L, uncrossmatched blood x 2u, ceftriaxone 1g iv. Also, we got our airway cart ready and I had the OR bring down the glidescope. Also 2 canisters of suction ready and plugged in. FFP ordered also. PH was 7.5, hgb was 7.7, inr was 2.0. Now - my question was when to intubate a...
Source: Student Doctor Network Forums - August 20, 2013 Category: Universities & Medical Training Authors: pinipig523 Tags: Emergency Medicine Source Type: forums