NIGMS Director's Early-Career Investigator Lecture: Sex-Biased Genome Evolution
NIGMS Director's Early-Career Investigator Lecture 2019 If you ’ re merely counting chromosomes, men and women aren ’ t that different. We all have DNA packaged into 23 pairs of chromosomes. Just one of these pairs — the sex chromosomes known as X and Y — is inherited differently in males and females. In general, women have two X chromosomes (XX), and men have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). Today, the human X chromosome is much larger than the human Y chromosome. But that wasn ’ t always the case. Evidence indicates that, in mammals prior to about 200 million years ago, X and Y were the same size and contained ...
Source: Videocast - All Events - March 4, 2019 Category: General Medicine Tags: Upcoming Events Source Type: video