Health conferences: metasynthesis of good practices, obstacles and recommendations based on experiences in Brazil, 1986-2016
This study sought to identify the evidence produced on Brazilian health conferences and to systematize good practices, obstacles and recommendations to qualify social participation in the Unified Health System. The methodology used was literature review with metasynthesis of studies published from 1986 to 2016 from the BIREME and Pubmed databases. It resulted in 507 articles, of which 15 met the criteria of primary qualitative studies on Brazilian health conferences. Most articles are experience reports of municipal scope published in the last ten years. The metasynthesis allowed to systematize the results into improvement...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 6, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

In the waiting room of the terreiro: an investigation with Umbanda adepts with health complaints
Resumo As queixas de adoecimento fazem parte de uma importante parcela das demandas religiosas em diversas cren ças, com destaque para a umbanda no cenário brasileiro. O objetivo deste estudo etnopsicológico foi conhecer o modo como adeptos da umbanda com queixas de adoecimento compreendem os processos de saúde-doença. Participaram 20 adeptos atendidos em dois terreiros localizados em uma cidade de médi o porte do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O corpus foi composto por entrevistas semiestruturadas transcritas e organizadas pela análise temática. Destacam-se as ambivalências no processo de compreensão do adoecim...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 30, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Open dialogue: critical points of implementation in psychotic crisis care
This study sought to analyze the critical points to implement the Open Dialogue approach in psychotic crisis care. This qualitative study was based on the analysis of an open-ended questionnaire developed by mental health professionals who participated in a seminar on the subject conducted by Jaakko Seikkula in 2015, in Italy. Eighty-three self-administered questionnaires were analyzed to detect the participants ’ sociodemographic profile and their perception of the critical points of the implementation of Open Dialogue. The results were organized according to the seven principles of the approach and analyzed according ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 30, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Analysis of Brazilian guidelines for obesity: pathologization of fat bodies, an approach focused on weight loss and anti-fat bias
Resumo Atualmente a obesidade é considerada um dos maiores desafios da saúde pública. Ela vem sendo enfrentada a partir do incentivo de mudanças comportamentais individuais, exaltando a perda de peso como forma inquestionável de garantir saúde. Tendo em vista este contexto e a importância das Diretrizes brasileiras de obe sidade sobre o campo da obesidade, sua influência sobre a prática profissional, o tipo de tratamento incentivado e o processo decisório em relação aos corpos gordos, foi realizada uma análise deste documento, associada à emergente discussão de como o discurso da saúde justifica e reproduz ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 30, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Principles invoked in a population-based health policy: the case of water fluoridation in Brazil
The objective was to identify principles invoked in a population-based health policy, taking as case a legislative proposal aimed at revoking water fluoridation in Brazil presented in 2003. We conducted a descriptive study through documentary research on records generated in the course of the Bill proposal No. 510/2003 in the Federal Chamber of Deputies. We highlighted discourse strategies used by the actors as per their own interests and the conflicting context by utilizing historical institutionalism as theoretical ground. The proposal was debated for 13 months, going through the House Plenary, three committees, and was ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 20, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Manifestations of institutional violence in the context of health care for women in situations of sexual violence
Resumo O estudo analisou as manifesta ções de violência institucional na atenção em saúde às mulheres em situação de violência sexual. Pesquisa qualitativa baseada em entrevistas semiestruturas com 68 profissionais e 15 gestores atuantes em nove serviços da rede municipal de saúde em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. A análise foi organizada em quatro temáticas: invisibilidade da violência sexual; violência no acolhimento à mulher; limitações estruturais, de medicamentos e de insumos; e atuação frente ao aborto legal. Os resultados revelaram o não reconhecimento da violência sexual como objeto de intervenÃ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 20, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Structural barriers in care nutrition for people with chronic kidney disease in Mexico
In conclusion, it is highlighted that nutritional care for kidney patients in Mexico is incipient and little systematized. It is necessary to institute universal care, as well as modify the national regulations to include specialized nutrition personnel to interdisciplinary treatment for the benefit of those who suffer from the disease. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Body-cult television advertisement recall among young women suffering from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa
This study measures the influence that advertising (measured by recall scores) during a television program has on women with eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia) compared to healthy women. Experimental study of exploratory nature performed on a sample of young women with eating disorders and a control group. The influence of advertising was estimated by recall scores, obtained after viewing a real television program, which included two commercial breaks containing two kinds of ads: body cult advertising (showing thinness or promoting it) and neutral advertising. Young women with eating disorders better recall advertiseme...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

“Hands up!”: Police stop-and-frisk, racism and structural violence among black youth from three capitals in the Brazilian Northeast
This article presents the results of a study exploring the experiences and perceptions of police approach as voiced by young blacks from neighborhoods that are socially vulnerable and/or have high levels of violence. The study was carried out in the cities of Salvador, Recife and Fortaleza. The research was guided by the following questions: how do young blacks experience and (re)signify their relationship with the police and, more specifically, the police approach? To what extent do social belonging markers, such as racial profile, class and territory, influence the stop-and-frisk process? A qualitative study was carried ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The armed conflict and the impacts on the health of workers acting in the Family Health Strategy in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
The objective of the study was to analyze the effect these conflicts cause in the health of these workers. This is an intervention research, with qualitative approach, carried out with 13 health professionals in a family health unit located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, using institutional analysis as a theoretical-methodological referential. Stress, anguish, irritability, requests for leave of absence, among other findings, emerge from the speeches of the research participants. Armed conflicts are great tensors among health professionals, service users and management, making negative aspects to emerge, not only in the he...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 2, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

(De)construction of truths: an analysis about integrative and complementary practices in health
This study enables the reflection on the system of truths that constitute the PICS, converging in discourses and practices of health promotion that places the responsibility of the health and disease processes on the lifestyles of individuals. Concurrently, this very discourse drives individual and collective attitudes using the device of risk, producing bodies and subjectivities controlled by neoliberal policies. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - March 2, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Social representations and therapeutic education: theoretical-practical questions
This study is focused on the meanings mobilized by the social actors to determine intervention strategies adapted to the psychosocial tensions that may arise in health care. We emphasize the importance of the socio-identity and ideological dynamics arising from the social and cultural context of the social actors engaged in therapeutic education. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - February 3, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Public health and technological innovations for public supply
This study aims to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of treatment processes currently used in Brazil and the risks to public health. We also analyze the direct potable reuse and how this practice can be a solution to promote water quality and meet the demand of large urban centers in situations of water scarcity. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - February 3, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

(Re)writing (in)visible scripts: the trajectory of transgender women in public health policies
Resumo Sabe-se que grande parte da popula ção trans está, ainda, sob a égide da marginalização e da exclusão social, encontrando diversas dificuldades no exercício de sua cidadania, incluindo o acesso à saúde. Diante desse contexto, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender a forma como vão se construindo as trajetórias das p essoas transgênero nas políticas públicas de saúde em um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. A partir da realização de seis entrevistas narrativas com mulheres trans, buscamos reconstruir os aspectos não indexados de tais relatos, apresentando suas experiências nos serv...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - February 3, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Resumo A Resolu ção nº 510/2016 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde determina diretrizes éticas específicas para as ciências humanas e sociais (CHS) e é resultado de anos de trabalho de pessoas e instituições que há muito apontavam a inadequação de uma única orientação de cunho biomédico para pesquisas e m diferentes áreas. Discutem-se aqui as principais diferenças entre a pesquisa em CHS e a pesquisa biomédica. A disputa pelo poder de definir o que é ciência caracteriza o campo científico, no qual não cabe a interferência do sistema de Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa/Comissão Nacional de É tica em Pesq...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - December 9, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research