Territorial and urban health: from pre-pandemic and pandemic challenges to post-pandemic responses
(Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 29, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

A conceptual model for studies on social determinants of health in Brazilian municipalities
This study aims to help filling this gap by proposing an operationally applicable SDH conceptual model - reproducible as a mathematical or statistical model - to support studies and define strategies concerning public health. We resorted to the literature to review previously developed conceptual models, identifying a set of SDH and presenting recommendations and choice criteria. Then we located reliable data sources supplying indicators and variables listed in historic series and proposed an applicable conceptual model, which requires specific methods and tools for a systemic approach for operationalization. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 18, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Open and closed services in the treatment of alcohol and other drugs from the user point of view
This article is aimed at discussing how the treatment modalities offered by mental health services in the formal health network contribute to or prevent the deinstitutionalization process by analyzing integral care. To accomplish this task we used the techniques life history and participant observation. We analyzed the data based on critical and reflective hermeneutic perspectives of the subjects ’ narratives and daily practices. The results showed that the functioning of closed services is more in tune with the legal-moral and medical models of drug use analysis and more distant from the principles of integrality, fulf...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 18, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Employment-family conflict and self-perception of health from a gender perspective
The objective of this study is to analyze gender inequalities in the relationship between employment-family conflict (EFC) and health status in the working population of Quito and Guayaquil. This is a cross-sectional study of non-agricultural employees, aged 18 or older and covered by social security, who were interviewed between 2016-2017 in the First Survey of Safety Conditions and Health at Work of Quito and Guayaquil (n = 1729). Poisson regression models with robust variance separated by sex were used to calculate adjusted prevalence ratios for six health indicators. In both sexes, EFC was associated with poor self-per...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 18, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The global strategy on public health, innovation and intellectual property: establishment of a priority order for research and development needs in Brazil
This study verifies the implementation of the first GSPOA Element in Brazil, which refers to the establishment of an order of priority for research and development needs. This qualitative case study was based on a critical perspective and established theoretical frameworks, seeking to place GSPOA in a transnational health context in an era of globalization, and to discuss the challenges of implementing a more integral right to health, one which transcends drugs and individual requirements. For the period 2008-2015, the findings imply that Brazil has succeeded in developing methodologies and mechanisms to identify and disse...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 18, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Association between perceived loneliness and Internet use among homeless people
This study aimed to identify the association between the level of perceived loneliness and Internet use among homeless people. The sample consisted of 129 homeless people who were assisted at a shelter in Monterrey (Mexico). To measure the variables of the study, a survey with three main sections was conducted: demographic data, use of Internet and information technologies, and perceived levels of emotional and social loneliness. The results showed: (1) their levels of loneliness were above the average reported in studies with other vulnerable populations; (2) 51.9% of participants have used the Internet at some point in t...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - June 8, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Malaria in the borders between Brazil and French Guiana: social and environmental health determinants and their influence on the permanence of the disease
This study analyzes the influence of socio-environmental health determinants on the maintenance of Plasmodium vivax malaria at the borders between French Guiana and Brazil. This study was carried out between 2011 and 2015 in the city of Oiapoque, Amap á, situated in the Brazilian Amazon region. The sample included 253 individuals of both sexes aged between 10 and 60 years. The disease was predominant in 63.64% (161/253) adult males. The most affected age group was 20 to 29 years old, with 30% (76/253). About 84.6% did not complete high school, w hile 29.6% (75/253) of the cases had not finished the first degree. Concernin...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - June 5, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The disease as sign and the symbolic forms of the sick body on the horizon of comprehension d the dermatology nineteenth
Resumen La dermatolog ía clínica del siglo XIX fundamenta y despliega un pensamiento por similitud en una estética de la representación de lo que puede ser comprendido como enfermedad. Así, las superficies patológicas suministran un material de reflexión y apropiación del cuerpo enfermo donde confluyen cuerpo, le nguaje y acontecimiento para darle sentido a las alteraciones que confluyen en el estado patológico. Este texto reflexiona sobre esas formas simbólicas del nombrar la enfermedad que tienen lugar en descripciones, observaciones clínicas, tratados de dermatología, atlas de anatomía patológica o álbume...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - June 5, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Reflexes of Venezuelan immigration on health care at the largest hospital in Roraima, Brazil: qualitative analysis
Resumo O crescente fluxo de imigra ção venezuelana provocou discussões acerca da inserção dessa comunidade no território brasileiro. Atualmente, o sistema de saúde roraimense tem o desafio de efetivar a universalização do acesso à saúde ao imigrante. Logo, este estudo objetiva conhecer as repercussões desse fenômeno sob a ótica de profissionais de saúde. Para isso, trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com abordagem exploratória que analisou a percepção dos técnicos de enfermagem do maior hospital de Roraima sobre os reflexos da imigração nos serviços de saúde e na qualidade da assistência. A análise d...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - June 3, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

On the opposite way to the objectives of sustainable development goals: assessment of water poverty in the estuary region of the Macaé river, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The objective is to compare the conditions of socio-economic and environmental vulnerability that characterize these occupations in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGD) 1 and 6 of the 2030 Agenda : poverty eradication; access to drinking water and sanitation. Given the need to construct indicators, to monitor compliance with the goals associated with SGDs, the application of the Water Poverty Index (WPI) is proposed, adapted to the Communities colony Leoc ádia Island and Caieira ’ s Island, aiming to compare the state Environmental impacts of these occupations in terms of adherence to sustainability-prom...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - June 3, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Factors related to occupational health of farmers exposed to pesticides
Conclusion: the reports show the non-existence of technical training provided by public agencies in the municipality, although the need for such a program was evidenced from the reports of the subjects and their complaints of pesticide intoxication symptoms. As knowledge is a form of empowerment, there is an urgent demand for technical training on the safe use of pesticides and information about their harmful effects to health. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 18, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Contributions from the National Health Foundation for Brazilian’s Health and Sanitation Research
This article aimed at addressing the history of the National Health Foundation as a health and sanitation research promoter, initially presenting the panorama in the country and, later, evaluating the Health and Sanitation Research Program. The methods were documentary research and literature review. The Program provided a total of R$ 21,704,520.58 and executed R$ 14,544,672.96 (in corrected amounts) financing 84 surveys from 2000 to 2011. The largest number of surveys was related to water supply, followed by management of the services. Institutions from all regions of the country were contemplated, with greater concentrat...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 18, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The interface between health, climate change and land use in Brazil: analyzing the evolution of international scientific production between 1990 and 2019
Abstract O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a evolução da produção científica internacional sobre a interface entre saúde, mudanças climáticas e uso do solo nas últimas décadas, enfatizando a compreensão da saúde em seu sentido amplo, com destaque às dimensões ambientais, sociais e climáticas, a partir das publicaç ões indexadas na base de dados Scopus. Para alcançar esse objetivo, aplicamos duas metodologias: (1) revisão sistemática da literatura internacional, do tipo descritivo-analítica, incorporando métodos qualitativos e quantitativos; e (2) análise de redes, partindo da categorização da din...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 18, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Structural violence and illness in Haiti: reflections on an experience
Resumo Falar sobre sa úde e principalmente da busca pela cura das doenças em sociedades globais empobrecidas e desassistidas traz à tona amplas e conflitivas reflexões. O Haiti é o país mais pobre das Américas e um dos mais pobres do mundo. A extrema vulnerabilidade a que a população está exposta é facilmente percebida por meio da análise do processo saúde/enfermidade/atenção, uma vez que esse é um dos domínios em que se acentuam as vivências de sofrimento, a percepção da inequidade e as intervenções ineficazes, que se pode observar em cada relato de experiência a violência estrutural como u m legad...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Racializing the (sociological) view on environmental health in the sanitation of the black population: A colonial continuum called environmental racism
Resumo O d éficit de saneamento - e seu impacto à saúde - é uma realidade de parcela significativa da população brasileira. No entanto, essa desigualdade não é distribuída de forma equânime na sociedade, há um perfil racial daqueles mais vulneráveis e vitimados pelas condições ambientais insalubr es. Apesar de constituir um problema social, essa temática ainda tem sido negligenciada enquanto problema sociológico. Desse modo, a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica de nível exploratório e da análise de dados atuais de acesso a saneamento e morbimortalidade por doenças relacionadas ao saneam ento ambiental in...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research