Clinical intervention studies of orofacial motricity: an analysis of the methodological quality of brazilian studies
Conclusion: the randomized controlled trials in the area of orofacial motricity are scarce in Brazilian literature, suggesting that studies in this area adopting this research design should be expanded and their quality should be improved to promote clinical practice based on scientific evidence.RESUMO Objetivo: objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade metodol ógica dos ensaios clínicos publicados em periódicos brasileiros. Métodos: trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica sistemática. Participaram quatro pesquisadores independentes treinados que realizaram um levantamento dos últimos 10 anos em todos os periódicos naciona...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Influence of the syringe model on the results of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation initiative flow test
Conclusion: in the evaluation of the consistency of liquids by the IDDSI flow test, a Bencton and Dickinson syringe should be used, following the recommendations of the IDDSI group.RESUMO Objetivo: investigar se duas seringas diferentes provocam resultados diferentes do teste de avalia ção da consistência de líquidos proposto pela International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI flowtest). Métodos: foram comparadas duas seringas de 10 ml (Bencton e Dickinson, fabricada nos Estados Unidos, e Saldanha Rodrigues, fabricada no Brasil). Foi medido, imediatamente apó s o preparo, eapós 8 horas e 24 horas, ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Vocal activity profile and dysphonia coping strategies in subjects with laryngeal cancer treated with radiotherapy
Conclusion: the participants had high Voice Activity and Participation Profile scores as compared to the literature scores considered for dysphonic individuals in general, and activity with effects on daily communication was the most affected. Voice Disability Coping Questionnaire demonstrates that these patients adopt dysphonia coping strategies with greater focus on emotion.RESUMO Objetivo: tra çar o perfil de participação em atividades vocais e verificar as formas de estratégias de enfrentamento da disfonia de pacientes com câncer de laringe irradiados. Métodos: estudo transversal com a participação de 17 paci...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Social communication and functional independence of the elderly in a community assisted by the family health strategy
Conclusion: elderly people presented with insufficient communication show twice as much the chance of having functional dependence for the Daily Living Instrumental Activities scale, as compared to elderly people with sufficient social communication. Knowledge of such an association can contribute to improving the care and quality of life of this population.RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a associa ção entre a comunicação social e a independência para as Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária em idosos residentes em um território coberto pela Estratégia Saúde da Família. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo seccional, ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Speech, Language and Hearing services in Primary Health Care in Brazil: an analysis of provision and an estimate of shortage, 2005-2015
Conclusion: the shortage in supply is equivalent to an absence of Speech, Language and Hearing service coverage within Primary Health Care for more than half of the Brazilian population. It is worth noting that a conservative parameter was adopted to conduct this estimate. The results suggest a process of consolidation for the inclusion of Speech, Language and Hearing professionals within Primary Health Care, however, still characterized by insufficient and unequal supply across the nation.RESUMO Objetivo: investigar a evolu ção e estimar o déficit da oferta da Fonoaudiologia na Atenção Básica entre 2005-2015. Mét...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Influence of multiprofessional work on the production of care and access to primary health care
Conclusion: the identified elements related to the individual issues, the organization of the service and the relationship and participation of the community in the actions of the health unit should be considered both in the training of new health workers and in the formulation of public policies.RESUMO Objetivo: analisar de que maneira o trabalho de quatro equipes de sa úde da família, nas regiões Centro-oeste e Sul, influencia a capacidade dos serviços em assegurar acesso. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa. Resultados: os resultados foram sistematizados em nove elementos, a saber...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Identification of risk factors in infants participating in a Follow-up program
Conclusion: the main risk factors for the health of high-risk infants in the follow-up program were: low Apgar score at the fifth minute; male sex; longer hospital stay; alterations detected in transfontanellar ultrasound; and mixed feeding after discharge.RESUMO Objetivo: identificar os principais fatores de risco para a sa úde dos bebês participantes de um programa de Follow-up. Métodos: estudo longitudinal-prospectivo, realizado com 540 bebês de risco acompanhados no Ambulatório de Follow-up do Hospital Materno Infantil de Goiânia, GO. Todos os dados biológicos do pré-natal, nascimento e pós-natal dos bebê s...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Visual Reinforcement Audiometry and Steady-State Auditory Evoked Potential in infants with and without conductive impairment
Conclusion: it was possible to compare the findings to the minimum levels of response through air and bone conductions between the Visual Reinforcement Audiometry and the Steady-State Auditory Evoked Potential, being that the comparison for bone conduction in both groups presents an equivalence in the results, being very similar. In addition, for the air conduction, in the control group, there was proximity of responses of some frequencies, while the values for the Steady-State Auditory Evoked Potential test were better than the behavioral responses in the conductive disorder group.RESUMO Objetivo: comparar os n íveis mÃ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Therapeutic approaches for deaf children at intervention centers in Chile’s metropolitan region: access to health and education
Conclusion: the majority of the institutions indicated that they worked using the oral intervention methodology, providing fewer options for the early inclusion of bilingual intercultural education or other intervention methodologies.RESUMEN Objetivo: caracterizar a los centros de Salud o Educaci ón que trabajan con niños sordos a temprana edad. Métodos: se ejecutó un cuestionario a encargados de centros de atención de personas con hipoacusia(N=5), escuelas especiales de sordos (N=3) y hospitales en los que se realizaba intervención terapéutica en personas con discapacidad auditiva ( N=6) en Santiago, Chile, duran...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Effects of a vestibular rehabilitation program on workers in the working environment: a pilot study
Conclusion: vestibular rehabilitation conducted in groups and in the working environment was effective in improving dizziness complaint in workers at the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics. It is believed that the positive experience of this program may be extended to other areas.RESUMO Objetivo:verificar o efeito de um programa de reabilita ção vestibular em trabalhadores com tonturas da Divisão de Nutrição e Dietética de um Hospital Universitário. Métodos: participaram 13 trabalhadores, um do sexo masculino e 12 do feminino, com idades entre 42 e 65 anos. Todos foram avaliados pré e pós programa de reabilitaÃ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Validation of the neurofunctional evaluation protocol for Alternative and Augmentative Communication
Conclusion: agreement between the evaluators, specialists and the protocol clinical application results allowed choosing and implementing an alternative communication resource appropriate to the neuromuscular characteristics of the patient, providing a low cost access, as well as the quick identification of the motor skills that enabled the speech-language therapy.RESUMO Objetivo: validar o protocolo de avalia ção neurofuncional para Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada. Métodos: o estudo foi realizado em quatro fases: construção do instrumento, revisão de literatura e validação clínica e avaliação do protocol...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Immediate effect of delayed auditory feedback on stuttering-like disfluencies
Conclusion: the delay in auditory feedback caused, as an immediate effect, the reduction of word repetition and speech rate, in syllables per minute.RESUMO Objetivo: descrever os efeitos imediatos do atraso na retroalimenta ção auditiva sobre as disfluências típicas da gagueira, em indivíduos com gagueira. Métodos: estudo transversal e experimental. Foram analisados trinta indivíduos, de oito a 46 anos, diagnosticados com gagueira do desenvolvimento persistente. Os participantes deveriam apresentar, no mínimo, 3% de disfluências típicas da gagueira e gagueira leve de acordo com o Instrumento de Gravidade da Ga...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Speech-language therapy stimulation in children with Down’s syndrome
Conclusion: early stimulation of linguistic and cognitive aspects is important in the development of children with DS, as evidenced by the immediate development of speech-language skills in children after the intervention.RESUMO Objetivo: analisar as contribui ções da intervenção fonoaudiológica para o desenvolvimento da linguagem em crianças com síndrome de Down (SD). Métodos: os participantes da pesquisa foram 11 crianças com SD, entre zero a cinco anos de idade de ambos os sexos, que foram atendidos em um projeto de extensão universitária, durante oito sessões terapêuticas pautadas em diretrizes de estimu...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Orofacial motricity in temporomandibular dysfunctions: an integrative approach to interdisciplinary intervention
Conclusion: the therapist ’ s intervention in Orofacial Motricity restores the stomatognathic system by addressing its functions. An isolated treatment approach from professionals overlooks the relationship of interdependence between function and structure. An appeal for an integrated and interdisciplinary work model, setting it free from the traditional fragmentary and multidisciplinary model, is made.RESUMO Objetivo: describir el rol fonoaudiol ógico en el equipo interdisciplinario para la intervención de la motricidad orofacial en la disfunción temporomandibular documentado en publicaciones científicas. Métodos...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 28, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Lingual frenotomy in a newborn, from diagnosis to surgery: a case report
This report describes the diagnostic approach and frenotomy in a newborn with breastfeeding difficulty, and the observation and analysis during the following 6 months. The patient was delivered normally and without complications, but showed breastfeeding difficulty during her first 5 days of life. The protocol proposed by Martinelli in 2013 was used to evaluate the lingual frenulum. After applying the protocol, the newborn was determined to require a frenotomy and the urgery was performed. The patient was reassessed using the protocol immediately after surgery and again 24 hours latter. There were improvements in the proto...
Source: Revista CEFAC - May 4, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research