Speech therapy intervention in a teenager with autism spectrum disorder: a case report
The objective of this study was to characterize the severity of Autism Spectrum Disorder in an adolescent, pre-and post-speech-language therapy, and describe the process of speech-language intervention using Picture Exchange Communication System allied to the principles of behavioral analysis applied to language. The Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist with the parents was applied. Then, a therapeutic program of 14 sessions of 50 minutes was developed, one per week, and then the questionnaire was reapplied. In the course of the therapeutic process, it was possible to observe an increase in the number of figure exchanges ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Listening effort and working memory capacity in hearing impaired individuals: an integrative literature review
Conclusion:the findings of this review allow us to infer that this paradigm is sensitive to measure the listening effort, considering the different instruments used and the population assessed.RESUMO Objetivo: revisar a literatura sobre os m étodos comportamentais de avaliação do esforço auditivo e a capacidade de memória operacional recomendados para deficientes auditivos. Métodos: foi desenvolvida por meio da busca de artigos em periódicos nacionais e internacionais, em inglês e português, disponíveis na Pubmed/Medline, bib lioteca Cochrane, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - Literatura Latino Americana e do Car...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Profile of reading difficulties in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a literature review
Conclusion: these results corroborate other studies that have verified the presence of a deficit in academic performance, especially in reading skills, in individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, that may persist in their adulthood.RESUMO Objetivo: caracterizar as altera ções de leitura presentes em indivíduos com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade. Métodos: foram realizadas buscas de publicações nas plataformas PubMed e SciELO de 2006 a 2016 com as palavras-chaves “ leitura ” e “ transtorno do d éficit de atenção e hiperatividade ” , com seus equivalentes em ingl ês...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Respiratory muscle training outcomes on swallowing biomechanics and respiratory function measures in normal subjects
Conclusion: RMT increased maximal respiratory pressures and influenced the reduction of pharyngeal transit time. Besides that, there was a relation between the maximum inspiratory pressure and the number of post-training swallows.RESUMO Objetivo: verificar os desfechos do treinamento muscular respirat ório (TMR) com espirômetro de incentivo orientado a fluxo sobre as medidas de função respiratória e sua relação com a biomecânica da deglutição. Métodos: 29 sujeitos realizaram o treinamento por sete dias consecutivos (três séries de dez repetições para inspiração e expiração). A biomecânica da degluti...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Osmolality analysis of human milk and an infant formula with modified viscosity for use in infants with dysphagia
Conclusion: the osmolality of diets varied over time and according to the concentration of thickener in human milk and the infant formula. However, the observed variation remained within the recommended parameters, indicating that rice cereal is a safe thickener for the feeding of infants presented with mild or moderate oropharyngeal dysphagia.RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar o efeito do agente espessante na osmolalidade do leite humano e da f órmula infantil em relação às concentrações e ao efeito do tempo. Métodos: foram realizados 6 ensaios para avaliar a osmolalidade, ao natural e com espessamento, da fórmula infanti...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Self-perception of surface hydration effect on teachers’ voice quality: an intervention study
Conclusion: surface hydration with saline solution promoted self-perceived improvement in vocal quality.RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos da hidrata ção da superfície na qualidade vocal, segundo a autopercepção dos professores. Métodos: estudo de intervenção pré-teste e pós-teste, cego ao examinador, com grupo único de 27 professores. Foram avaliadas características sociodemográficas e do trabalho, por meio de questionário estrutu rado, e aplicados os instrumentos Índice de Triagem para Distúrbio de Voz, Escala de Classificação da Severidade Vocal, Efeitos Esperados Pré-intervenção, Efeitos Percebi...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Voice and swallowing implications in patients with tumors in their mediastinum
Conclusion: patients with tumors in the mediastinum have significant impairments in voice and swallowing functions, especially when they are located in the anterior mediastinal region and Hodgkin lymphomas.RESUMO Objetivo: verificar as implica ções na voz e na deglutição em pacientes com diagnóstico de tumores localizados no mediastino. Métodos: o estudo foi realizado em 21 indivíduos com idades entre 18 e 60 anos, com diagnóstico de tumores localizado no mediastino. A coleta de dados foi realizada nos ambulatórios de Oncologia Clínica, OncoHematologia e Cirurgia Torácica Oncológica, e nas enfermarias das cl...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Social representations of health professionals about terminally ill children and adolescents
Conclusion: the social representations of health professionals about terminally ill children and adolescents are associated with the situations being experienced, the strategies developed to deal with these moments in the exercise of the profession, and the consequences that this experience causes in the health professionals.RESUMO Objetivo: compreender as representa ções sociais dos profissionais de saúde sobre a terminalidade infantojuvenil. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, do tipo exploratório descritivo, realizado com 10 profissionais de saúde, selecionados mediante a técnica de coleta ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Perception of elderly singers on the promotion of vocal health
Conclusion: the dialog between the participants made the understanding possible on the role of voice, permeating aspects related to the physiology, functionality and emotion in the participants' perception.RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a percep ção dos idosos participantes de um grupo de canto acerca da promoção da saúde da voz. Métodos: estudo de cunho qualitativo articulado com o Itinerário de Pesquisa de Paulo Freire, que consiste em três momentos dialéticos: investigação temática, codificação e descodificação, e desvel amento crítico. Resultados: estas etapas foram desenvolvidas em quatro Círculos de ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences in Workers’ Health Reference Centres in Brazil
Conclusion: this study describes and examines the incipient inclusion of SLH professionals in CEREST, providing evidence that indicates regional inequalities and reveals that, despite generally working in health surveillance activities, there remain units where the SLH professionals are only dedicated to specialized care.RESUMO Objetivo: investigar a presen ça do fonoaudiólogo na equipe dos Centros de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (Cerest) do Brasil, sua distribuição e características de sua inserção e das ações desenvolvidas. Métodos: estudo epidemiológico descritivo que teve como unidades de observaç...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Diagnosis of health care actions: a territorial analysis from the user’s perspective
Conclusion: from the perspective of the user, the activities developed fulfilled their expectations about community actions related to health promotion; the results also show that the participants are aware of the actions developed in the city and their significant effectiveness for habits changes. However, the data demonstrate centralized activities that require a re-signification of practices through permanent education on health promotion.RESUMO Objetivo: descrever o desenvolvimento de a ções comunitárias de saúde sob a ótica do usuário. Métodos: estudo descritivo realizado em um munícipio de pequeno porte no ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

A comparative study on phonological acquisition and performance in phonological awareness by children exposed to a bilingual or monolingual family environment
Conclusion: deviant phonological acquisition was superior in the bilingual family environment group. Phonological processes were similar for both groups. In the phonological awareness tasks, children in the bilingual family environment group obtained better results only for the phonemic synthesis tasks. For other tasks, children in the monolingual family group achieved better results.RESUMO Objetivo: verificar e comparar a aquisi ção fonológica e o desempenho em tarefas de consciência fonológica entre crianças expostas a ambiente familiar bilíngue (Português Brasileiro e Alemão) e crianças expostas a ambiente fa...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Memory performance, oral comprehension and learning process between children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and children with anxiety disorder
Conclusion: children with ADHD and anxiety disorder showed various altered cognitive skills, although group comparison revealed that children with ADHD exhibited worse cognitive performance.RESUMO Objetivo: comparar os aspectos de mem ória, aprendizagem e compreensão oral entre crianças com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade - ADHD e com Transtorno de Ansiedade - AD. Métodos: participaram 32 crianças (7-10 anos) divididas em: G1 - diagnóstico de ADHD e G2 - diagnóstico de AD. No momento da aplicação de stes instrumentos as crianças não estavam em tratamento medicamentoso. Os testes aplicados ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Is training of the lingual musculature necessary to treat orofacial functions?
(Source: Revista CEFAC)
Source: Revista CEFAC - December 12, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Cochlear implant in a child diagnosed with Dandy-Walker Syndrome Variant: a study case
This study aimed to report the case of a male patient aged 4.5 clinically diagnosed with Dandy-Walker Syndrome variant, a cochlear implant user, who was referred to rehabilitation services and followed up by a multidisciplinary team. The patient underwent therapy assisted by an audiologist/speech therapist and a physiotherapist between June 2016 and December 2016, totaling 20 sessions, with emphasis on the Aurioral approach. His evolution regarding hearing and motor abilities was evaluated through standardized instruments that helped to catalogue the patient ’ s evolution and responses in an empirical way. The developmen...
Source: Revista CEFAC - August 20, 2018 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research