Ocena rekonstytucji immunologicznej w kontek ście podejmowania decyzji o wznowieniu szczepień ochronnych u dzieci i młodych dorosłych po przeszczepieniu komórek krwiotwórczych: analiza codziennej praktyki klinicznej
Conclusions Immunological reconstitution analysis after HSCT was delayed in 81.5% of patients. In order to improve the effectiveness of the post-HSCT vaccination program, it seems appropriate to accelerate the first immunological evaluation and to differentiate the recommendations according to the type of transplantation and post-HSCT therapy, i.e. 3−6 months after auto-HSCT or last phase of oncological treatment and 6-12 months after allo-HSCT. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 16, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Dziedziczne zapalenie trzustki u 5-letniej dziewczynki – opis przypadku
Publication date: Available online 7 June 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Barbara Iwańczak, Tomasz Jarmoliński, Katarzyna Akutko, Agnieszka Borys-Iwanicka Hereditary pancreatitis is a rare disease with autosomal dominant inheritance. In 1996, Whitcomb et al. linked it to the mutation of the gene encoding cationic trypsinogen PRSS1. The onset of symptoms in children occurs at the age of about 10 years. In this work, a case of a 5-year-old girl with heterozygotic mutation p.R122 PRSS1 gene and family history of chronic pancreatitis in father is presented. The mother of the girl's father and his sister died of...
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 8, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Przekazywanie pacjent ów leczonych w dzieciństwie z powodu chorób nowotworowych do systemu opieki dla dorosłych
Conclusions Our study indicates the lack of homogenous principles of transition to adults performed among young adults treated for neoplastic diseases in the childhood. Transition is mainly non-fluent, one-time procedure. The process does not prepare survivors to take the responsibility for their future life. Improving the methods of survivors medical care by organization of multidisciplinary clinics for adolescents and young adults and systematic, frequent education might ameliorate the quality of follow-up and improve the quality of life. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 8, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Tinnitus among children – Our experiences in a tertiary care teaching hospital of eastern India
Conclusion Proper medical history and audiological examination are helpful for finding etiology and management of tinnitus among children. Little is known for effective treatment in childhood tinnitus. In the present study, the etiology of tinnitus in children is somewhat different than those of adults. Establishing the diagnosis and implementing appropriate treatment leads to relieve troublesome tinnitus among children. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - June 8, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Witamina K w cholestazie w świetle aktualnych wytycznych – opis przypadku
Publication date: Available online 31 May 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Patryk Lipiński, Agata Pleskaczyńska, Irena Jankowska, Anna Dobrzańska Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) is a rare and potentially life-threatening disorder. Infants suffering from cholestasis constitute a risk group of vitamin K deficiency due to intestinal malabsorption defects. The paper presents a case of late-onset VKDB as a result of biliary atresia in an infant. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 31, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Zesp ół Berdona oraz zespół suszonej śliwki i ich współistnienie − analiza przypadków
This article presents the clinical analysis of patients with typical symptoms of Prune Belly Syndrome and Berdon Syndrome. We compare the clinical presentation of these syndromes with symptoms observed in a 11-month-old boy who displayed characteristics of both the syndromes mentioned. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 31, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Walidacja narz ędzia diagnostycznego „Skale Inteligencji i Rozwoju dla Dzieci w Wieku Przedszkolnym (IDS-P)” z udziałem grupy dzieci z rozpoznanym płodowym zespołem alkoholowym wg kryteriów waszyngtońskich
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Iwona Palicka, Robert Śmigiel Patients with FASD are still a diagnostic challenge for doctors and clinical psychologists due to the heterogeneity of symptoms connected with the structural and functional damages of brain. From the clinical point of view, an erroneous diagnosis leads to an incorrect treatment, an increased risk of secondary psychosocial disorders as well as a loss of a chance of an appropriate prevention. A basis of correct educational-therapeutic actions is a correct psychological diagnosis, which allows to extract develo...
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 30, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Implementation of mandatory vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis in preterm infants as part of the Polish Immunization Programme
Conclusions: 1. Even during prolonged hospitalization at a neonatal intensive care unit, immunization with the DTPa vaccine should be performed in addition to vaccination against tuberculosis and HBV. 2. DTPa-IPV-Hib-HBV hexavalent vaccines provide an optimal solution for the implementation of immunization schedules, especially in preterm infants and – even more so – preterm infants with extremely low birth weight. 3. Results from the monitoring of episodes of apnea, bradycardia and saturation levels before and after vaccination at the neonatal ward provide valuable information to the physician that continues vaccinati...
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 30, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Deficyt SCYL1 nowo rozpoznan ą przyczyną cholestazy niemowlęcej
Publication date: Available online 30 May 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Patryk Lipiński, Piotr Socha (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 30, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Wymiary cia ła noworodków urodzonych na Mazowszu w jednym ośrodku w latach 2011−2015
Conclusions (1) The mean BW value in the study cohort was similar to that observed in Poland over the past several decades. (2) The mean birth length of a Masovian cohort cannot be compared against the standards set by the WHO because of the differences in the measurement methods. Birth length measurements should be based on the principles of anthropology and the use of a measuring tape should be discontinued. (3) The BHC value in the Masovian cohort did not differ from the standards set by the WHO or the standards published in Poland. A tendency for the BHC to increase with a simultaneous decrease in the BL has been obser...
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 30, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Urazy g łowy u dzieci – aktualne algorytmy diagnostyczno-lecznicze
Publication date: Available online 25 May 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Paulina Urban, Piotr Chądzyński, Kamila Saramak, Sergiusz Jóźwiak Head injuries in children are a common cause of consultation in emergency department. Glasgow Coma Scale (GSC) and, in case of infants, modified Glasgow Coma Scale are widely used for the evaluation of symptoms severity and divide head trauma into mild, moderate and severe. Guidelines concerning preliminary approach to mild head injury are based on the risk factors of intracranial injury. Risk of injury assessment criteria proposed by Polish Association of Paediatric ...
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 25, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Pr óba wykorzystania „Małego Międzynarodowego Kwestionariusza Neuropsychiatrycznego dla Dzieci i Młodzieży (MINI Kid)” w celu oceny częstości występowania zaburzeń psychicznych u pacjentów oddziałów dziecięcych
Conclusions The frequency of diagnosing mental disorders with the use of MINI Kids in adolescents subject to inpatient stay due to paediatric reasons reaches 41%. Each patient with diagnosed mental disorder with the use of the MINI Kids should be subject to psychiatric/psychological examination to verify the diagnosis. MINI Kids is an easy and simple tool for screening assessment of the occurrence of mental disorders among children and should be applied in hospital practice to assess the risk of mental disorders in children. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 24, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Walidacja narz ędzia doagnostycznego „Skale inteligencji i rozwoju dla dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym (IDS-P)” z udziałem grupy dzieci z rozpoznanym płodowym zespołem alkoholowym wg kryteriów waszyngtońskich
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Iwona Palicka, Robert Śmigiel Patients with FASD are still a diagnostic challenge for doctors and clinical psychologists due to the heterogeneity of symptoms connected with the structural and functional damages of brain. From the clinical point of view, an erroneous diagnosis leads to an incorrect treatment, an increased risk of secondary psychosocial disorders as well as a loss of a chance of an appropriate prevention. A basis of correct educational-therapeutic actions is a correct psychological diagnosis, which allows to extract develo...
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 20, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Lecznicze zastosowanie mieszanek mlekozast ępczych w alergii na białka mleka krowiego oraz alergii wielopokarmowej w wieku rozwojowym
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Maciej Kaczmarski Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) may affect between 2,0–3,0 percent of infants and young children. Milk proteins may induce allergic reactions and are responsible for a variety of clinical symptoms, involving mainly the skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. The general symptoms such as anaphylaxis are rarely occurring. These CMPA symptoms are easily missed in primary care settings; therefore, the proper knowledge on clinical symptoms, accurate diagnosis and management are desirable. This paper discusses mostly...
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 20, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Inverted Meckel diverticulum in premature causing intermittent bowel obstruction
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2017 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Andrzej Zając, Dorota Pawlik, Renata Radziszewska, Lorenc Katarzyna, Wojciech Szczepański, Przemysław Tomasik, Wojciech Górecki, Ryszard Lauterbach Although Meckel diverticulum morbidity is well known in children and adults, complications appearing in newborns seem to be very rare. Authors present extremely rare case of inverted Meckel diverticulum in premature, causing intermittent bowel obstruction complicated by necrotizing enterocolitis. After three episodes of incomplete bowel obstruction patient died at the age of 65 days ...
Source: Pediatria Polska - May 19, 2017 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research