The association of hand grip strength with functional measures in non-ambulatory children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Conclusions: It is known that measuring functional ability and strength in very weak children with DMD has been difficult and complex for therapists/clinicians in the clinical environment. Although there is a moderate correlation, hand grip strength may be used in clinical practice as a practical assessment tool to have an immediate insight into the global functional capacity in non-ambulatory DMD children.RESUMO A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença caracterizada por perda progressiva da fibra muscular, gradualmente de proximal a distal. Embora poucos estudos tenham investigado a força de preensão manual...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - December 6, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Brazilian Nursing and Psychology students' visits to patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: prospective analysis
Conclusions: Students' visits to PALS may contribute to the maintenance of the QOL of the patients. Additionally, visits, with psychological support for the students, seem safe and could contribute to the students' psychological maturation as health professionals. Additional psychological support may be necessary for some students in fragile subgroups/moments.RESUMO Esclerose lateral amiotr ófica (ELA) é doença neurodegenerativa sem cura, mas tratamento multidisciplinar pode manter qualidade de vida (QOL). Embora profissionais de saúde possam ser afetados pela atuação na ELA, pouco é conhecido sobre impacto nesses p...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - December 6, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

MoCA Test: normative and diagnostic accuracy data for seniors with heterogeneous educational levels in Brazil
Conclusions: The MoCA test did not have a high accuracy for detecting CIND in the population with a low educational level. Nevertheless, this tool may be used to detect dementia, especially in individuals with more than five years of education, if a lower cutoff score is adopted.RESUMO O Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) foi descrito como uma boa ferramenta para detectar comprometimento cognitivo. A nota de corte ideal do MoCA ainda est á em debate. O objetivo é fornecer normas do MoCA e dados de acurácia para idosos dentro de uma faixa educacional mais baixa, incluindo analfabetos. Métodos: Os dados foram provenie...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - December 6, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Comparison of patients with migraine and tension-type headache in terms of somatosensory amplification and health anxiety
Conclusions: While patients with migraine and TTH evalute, taking into account the SSA and health anxiety may contribute to the prognosis and treatment of these diseases.RESUMO Embora se saiba que os dist úrbios de ansiedade e depressão frequentemente acompanhem a enxaqueca e a TTH, o papel da amplificação somatossensorial (somatosensory amplification, SSA) e da hipocondria nessas doenças ainda não é bem conhecido. Objetivo: O presente estudo faz uma comparação entre pacientes que sofrem de enxaqueca e TTH com um grupo de controle saudável em termos de SSA e hipocondria e investiga a relação entre os achados ...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - December 6, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Falls in persons with Parkinson's disease: Do non-motor symptoms matter as much as motor symptoms?
Conclusion: Disease duration and the PIGD subtype were identified as relevant risk factors for falls in PwP Non-motor symptoms appear to have a less important role as risk factors for falls.RESUMEN Las ca ídas son frecuentes entre las personas con Parkinson (EP). La predicción de caídas es compleja ya que existen contribuyentes genéricos y específicos. El papel de los síntomas no motores ha sido menos estudiado. Objetivo: Identificar el papel de los factores no motores en caídas en personas c on EP (PcP). Métodos: Estudio transversal en PcP reclutadas en una clínica de trastornos del movimiento. Se incluyeron da...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - December 6, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Falling among people with Parkinson's disease: motor, non-motor, or both?
(Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria)
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - December 6, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

ABSTRACT This paper reviews aspects of the life and work of Professor Louis Ranvier 140 years after the publication of Le çons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux, published in 1878, and shows the importance of the histological description of myelinated fibers of the nodes of Ranvier.RESUMO Os autores apresentam uma revis ão sobre aspectos da vida e obra do Professor Louis Ranvier 140 anos após a publicação de seu livro Leçons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux publicado em 1878 e mostra a importância da descrição histológica nas fibras mielínicas dos nodos de Ranvier. (Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria)
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Transient global amnesia. Have you considered hyperhomocysteinemia?
ABSTRACT This paper reviews aspects of the life and work of Professor Louis Ranvier 140 years after the publication of Le çons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux, published in 1878, and shows the importance of the histological description of myelinated fibers of the nodes of Ranvier.RESUMO Os autores apresentam uma revis ão sobre aspectos da vida e obra do Professor Louis Ranvier 140 anos após a publicação de seu livro Leçons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux publicado em 1878 e mostra a importância da descrição histológica nas fibras mielínicas dos nodos de Ranvier. (Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria)
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome: an atypical involvement in primary neural leprosy
ABSTRACT This paper reviews aspects of the life and work of Professor Louis Ranvier 140 years after the publication of Le çons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux, published in 1878, and shows the importance of the histological description of myelinated fibers of the nodes of Ranvier.RESUMO Os autores apresentam uma revis ão sobre aspectos da vida e obra do Professor Louis Ranvier 140 anos após a publicação de seu livro Leçons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux publicado em 1878 e mostra a importância da descrição histológica nas fibras mielínicas dos nodos de Ranvier. (Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria)
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Brain [18F]FDG PET-CT imaging in posterior cortical atrophy
ABSTRACT This paper reviews aspects of the life and work of Professor Louis Ranvier 140 years after the publication of Le çons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux, published in 1878, and shows the importance of the histological description of myelinated fibers of the nodes of Ranvier.RESUMO Os autores apresentam uma revis ão sobre aspectos da vida e obra do Professor Louis Ranvier 140 anos após a publicação de seu livro Leçons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux publicado em 1878 e mostra a importância da descrição histológica nas fibras mielínicas dos nodos de Ranvier. (Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria)
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

140 Years of the Leçons sur l’histologie du système nerveux: the pioneering description of the nodes of Ranvier
ABSTRACT This paper reviews aspects of the life and work of Professor Louis Ranvier 140 years after the publication of Le çons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux, published in 1878, and shows the importance of the histological description of myelinated fibers of the nodes of Ranvier.RESUMO Os autores apresentam uma revis ão sobre aspectos da vida e obra do Professor Louis Ranvier 140 anos após a publicação de seu livro Leçons sur l ’ histologie du syst ème nerveux publicado em 1878 e mostra a importância da descrição histológica nas fibras mielínicas dos nodos de Ranvier. (Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria)
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Salomón Hakim: the man behind normal pressure hydrocephalus
ABSTRACT The illustrious Colombian Professor Salom ón Hakim provided the annals of neurology with one of the most brilliant and original bodies of research on record, developing the concept of normal pressure hydrocephalus, as well as proving that ventricular shunting is an effective treatment. Thus, Professor Hakim proved that some of the dementia s, at that time considered senile, could be successfully treated. Here the authors present an historical review of his main contributions, which continue to influence the study of dementia to this day.RESUMO O ilustre professor colombiano Salom ón Hakim deixou como legado nos ...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

The patient with epilepsy and medicolegal aspects: a view for the neurologist
ABSTRACT Patients with epilepsy face innumerable obstacles in daily life, related to work, permission to drive and interpersonal relationships, which require medical guidance. This paper reports a literature review based on scientific articles and civil and traffic system, as a way to resolve doubts about medical obligations in the patient ’ s permission to drive and work. An employment agreement requires the contractor to guarantee safety conditions as well as requiring the patient, at the pre-employment medical examination, to let the physician know previous medical conditions, including epilepsy. More than 90% of pati...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Endovascular closure of patent foramen ovale: a critical appraisal of published trials
Conclusion Young patients with cryptogenic strokes seem to benefit from endovascular closure of a PFO in the presence of a large right-to-left shunt or an associated atrial septum aneurysm. For most other patients, a highly-individualized decision must be made, taking into account the low risk of recurrence in patients with a cryptogenic stroke attributable to a PFO, the high numbers needed to treat and the risks related to the procedure.RESUMO O tratamento de pacientes com infarto cerebral criptog ênico e forame oval patente (FOP) é controverso. Uma revisão crítica destes estudos é apresentada. Métodos São descr...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research

Nutritional intervention may improve migraine severity: a pilot study
Conclusions We concluded that the management of diet quality may be a good strategy for improving migraine severity, regardless of the nutritional status and weight change.RESUMO Estudos investigaram o papel da interven ção nutricional, focada no consumo de alimentos “ gatilhos ” ou na altera ção de peso, na melhora da migrânea. Porém, mudanças na qualidade da dieta ainda não foram abordadas. Objetivo Investigar se intervenção nutricional focada na qualidade da dieta e peso saudável pode melhorar parâmetros clínicos em mulheres com migrânea. Métodos Estudo de intervençã o, não controlado e não...
Source: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria - October 25, 2019 Category: Neurology Source Type: research