8th Annual conference of ALTER - Histories, practices and policies of disability: International, comparative and transdisciplinary perspectives
Publication date: Available online 15 December 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - January 12, 2019 Category: Disability Source Type: research

When social protection and emancipation go hand in hand: Towards a collective form of care
Publication date: Available online 8 January 2019Source: AlterAuthor(s): Isabelle VilleAbstractIn the second half of the 20th century, all welfare states introduced social policies to help disabled persons. Yet since the 1970's, social protection devices have been the object of two criticisms. Disabled persons movements and the disability studies denounce both the underlying domination and paternalism and the forms of segregation that fuel the dependency and passivity of the beneficiaries of such devices. More recently, neoliberal activation policies have been trying to restrict access to these devices, believing that beca...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - January 9, 2019 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Disability and world religions: an introduction, D.Y. Schumm, M. Stoltzfus (Eds.). Texas: Baylor University Press, Waco (2016)
Publication date: Available online 21 December 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): Tyler Zoanni (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - December 22, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Religions et handicap. Interdit, péché, symbole – une analyse anthropologique, H.J. Stiker. éd. Hermann (2017)
Publication date: Available online 20 December 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): Clotilde Perret (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - December 21, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Histories, practices and policies of disability: International, comparative and transdisciplinary perspectives
Publication date: Available online 15 December 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - December 15, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Propositions de réflexion à partir de l’article de Cyril Desjeux sur les modalités de coopération entre personnes valides et handicapées. Commentaire.
Publication date: Available online 13 December 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): Jean-Sébastien Eideliman, Myriam WinanceRésuméDans cet article court, nous proposons un commentaire de l’article de Cyril Desjeux (« Le “soin” pensé au nom des personnes handicapées : quels enjeux éthiques et de pouvoir ? »). Nous revenons sur plusieurs questions posées par cet article. La première concerne les diverses manières de qualifier un acte comme « aide » ou « soin », les tensions qui peuvent en résulter, les enjeux de ces qualifications pour les acteurs. Nous insistons notamment sur le lien entre ces qualifica...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - December 14, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Two worlds, too apart to converge? A comparison of social regulation policies aimed at the employment of disabled people in Norway and India
This article situates the social regulation policy reforms and compare them to chart convergence within the policy goals and content for these two very different countries. The article relies on evidence from secondary sources, such as legislations, country reports and policy dossiers since early 1990s. The taxonomy of regulations, economic means and information strategies, popularly understood as “sticks, carrots and sermons” grounded in institutional theory, is employed to systematically analyse and present the similarities within social regulation policies. “The most instructive comparisons (…) are those that su...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - December 4, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Creating capabilities for societal participation in times of welfare state change? Experiences of people with disabilities in Finland
This article explores societal participation of people with disabilities in Finland in times of the recent ratification process of the UN CRPD and welfare cuts, and investigates the subjective experiences of societal participation in a changing welfare state context. The data consists of 13 individual qualitative interviews among working-age people with different kinds of disabilities. The findings highlight the importance of state commitment for creating equal capabilities for societal participation and for removing barriers standing in its way. They also suggest that this commitment is becoming both strengthened by the U...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - November 3, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

CV2 - Editorial Board
Publication date: November 2018Source: Alter, Volume 12, Issue 4Author(s): (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - October 30, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

De la difficulté à être reconnus « capables » et « compétents » : des adolescents et jeunes adultes désignés handicapés mentaux en quête d’autonomie
Publication date: Available online 13 October 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): Lansade GodefroyRésuméDepuis deux décennies, le législateur français s’attache à promouvoir l’autonomie des personnes en situation de handicap en leur permettant, notamment, d’accroître leur pouvoir d’agir sur leur environnement par autodétermination. À cet égard, nombre de dispositifs dont elles sont la cible témoignent de cette volonté de soutenir l’autonomie des personnes désignées handicapées mentales définies traditionnellement en termes de dépendance et d’incapacités. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique, cett...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - October 14, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

The institutionalisation of peer support in France: Development of a social role and roll out of public policies
This article aims to explore the varied ways in which the role has developed through an analysis of its institutionalisation process. To do this, data from two surveys will be analysed: one based on peer counsellors who set up an association under the law of 1901 and the other on peer-support workers from “Housing First”, an experimental public policy intervention programme. Two different processes of institutionalisation of the peer-support role emerge from the analysis: one which prioritises the development of a social role and the other the roll-out of public policy. Neither is yet sufficiently successful to guarant...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - October 14, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Diagnostiquer l’autisme. Une approche sociologique, C. Borelle. Presses des Mines, Paris (2017), 253 p
Publication date: Available online 8 October 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): Amandine Rochedy (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - October 9, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Disability policies in Japan and Sweden: A comparative perspective
Publication date: Available online 28 September 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): Rafael Lindqvist, Kamal LamichhaneAbstractThe aim of this article was to compare disability policies in Japan and Sweden. Social protection in the two countries has taken different directions. Policy orientation in Japan is ‘productivist’, paternalistic, family-oriented, and firmly involves medical expertise in assessing eligibility to disability services. In practice, social services in Japan is the result of negotiations between social service staff at the local level, volunteer agencies and private contributors. In Sweden, social services, w...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - October 4, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Le « soin » pensé au nom des personnes handicapées : quels enjeux éthiques et de pouvoir ?
Publication date: Available online 17 September 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): Cyril DesjeuxRésuméL’article L. 1111-6-1 du Code de la santé publique est un article créé par la loi du 11 février 2005 pour l’égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées. Il permet à une personne durablement empêchée d’accomplir elle-même des gestes liés à des soins prescrits par un médecin, du fait de limitations fonctionnelles de ses membres supérieurs, de désigner un aidant (professionnel ou non) pour qu’il les réalise à sa place. Dès sa promulgation, cet art...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - September 18, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Prix du jeune auteur ALTER : session 2019
Publication date: Available online 7 September 2018Source: AlterAuthor(s): (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - September 7, 2018 Category: Disability Source Type: research