Why did my IVF treatment fail ? How can you make it right next time?
(Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog)
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - October 24, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Free Second Opinion for all infertile patients | Malpani infertility clinic
(Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog)
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - October 24, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Which is the better option: Artificial Insemination (IUI) or Self Insemination at home ??
(Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog)
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - October 24, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Step by step instruction of DIY self insemination kit | Malpani baby kit
(Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog)
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - October 24, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Step by step instruction of DIY insemination kit in Hindi
(Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog)
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - October 24, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Why I love answering IVF patient's questions
 One of the commonest complaints which patients have about doctors is that they aren't willing to answer their questions.For me, it's exactly the opposite , so if you want a doctor who is happy to clear your doubts, please talk to me. I love answering patient ’s questions because these keep me on my toes. Having to explain to patients means I need to simplify complex medical topics and strip them of jargon, so patients understand what I am saying.More importantly , these questions help me to empathize with my patient , because I'm not a mind reader , and I don't know what their worries and anxieties are. If the...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - October 24, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Why I think aloud when talking to my IVF patients
I often think aloud when formulating the IVF treatment plan in front of my patients. Now this might sound surprising, because most patients expect their doctors to be expert oracles who tell them what to do.I do this deliberately, because then they can see my thought processes , and on what basis I have made my decisions. Medicine is a complex science, and the outcomes of IVF are always unpredictable, When they can follow my logic, they know on what basis I have chosen a particular option for them. Making my reasoning open and transparent is helpful, because it allows patients to share in the decision-m...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - October 24, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Pus cells in the semen - and how to make sense of the report
 One of the common findings in a semen analysis report is the presence of a few pus cells per high power field ( pus cells/ hpf). The technical word for this is called pyospermia or leucocytospermia.Pus cells are WBCs - white blood cells, and less than 5 pus cells / hpf is considered to be normal, but this finding is often highlighted in red as being abnormal, and this often causes both the doctor as well as the patient to worry.The WHO Manual states that less than 1 million WBC per ml is normal, but the majority of labs never bother to measure the actual concentration of the WBCs - the technician simply eyeballs the ...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - October 22, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Why a Root Cause Analysis is often useless in patients with IVF failure
Many patientswho fail an IVF cycle, want the doctor to tell them exactly why the cycle failed. They want the doctor to get at the root cause , and this is completely logical. After all, once the root cause has been identified, the doctor will be able to fix the problem, and the next IVF cycle will succeed.Sadly, life doesn't work this way, because biological systems are complex, and it's not possible to get a simple answer to what seems to be a very simple question. This is because there are multiple interlocking parts , and it's not possible to tease them out individually to find out why a particular cycle failed.The real...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 25, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

What infertile couples need to do to make the right decisions for themselves
One of the hardest things about infertility treatment is making the right decisions.Indian patients expect their doctors to make medical decisions for them . After all , doctors are medical experts , and that ’s what they charge their professional fees for – to give their opinion. Most patients aren't sure they know enough to be able to make the right decision for themselves, which is why they would much rather outsource it.Many Indian doctors are happy to be paternalistic and to make these decisions for patients , because they think patients aren ’t able to make such complex decisions for themselves.However, mature ...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 24, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Cost Effective Baby Making at Home using the Malpani Baby Kit
 TheMalpani Baby Making kit is an extremely cost-effective option for couples who can't get pregnant because of sexual dysfunction; because of unexplained infertility; and those who have problems with scheduling intercourse during the fertile time because of their work commitments.While going to a doctor for treatment is always an option, this can be extremely expensive.You need to go to the doctor multiple times during one cycle , and the costs add up very quickly. Also, because the success rate is not 100%, you may need to repeat your treatment over many months .To add insult to injury, not only are doctor ’s visi...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 23, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Why waste money and time going to a doctor when you can make a baby using the Malpani Baby Kit in your bedroom ?
 Many infertile couples automatically assume that if they can't get pregnant on their own, they're going to require medical attention , and seek out a gynecologist for assistance.While this is true for many couples, there are also lots of others who can solve the problem for themselves in the bedroom using simple medical tools, especially when the problem is a mechanical one  of their being unable to deposit the semen in the vagina.Part of the of the problem is most doctors will not explain this simpler option to them , because treating patients is their only source of income, and they can't afford to give away t...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 20, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Why Baby Making Kits are so cost effective !
 While it's reassuring to remember that in case your infertility is due to a medical problem, you can always go to a doctor to seek medical help , the fact still remains that going to a doctor is an expensive exercise.You need to pay the consultation fees; you need to pay for the medicines; you need to pay for the scans and the treatment; and you need to take time away from work and make excuses for being absent.Also, doctor ’s clinics can be scary and intimidating. They poke and prod you; force you to assume highly undignified positions; disregard your privacy; and every time you go, there is a new stranger wh...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 20, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

How impotent man can have a baby in their bedroom using the Malpani Baby Kit
One of the problems of being infertile because of erectile dysfunction ( impotence) is that these men can ’t stop thinking of themselves as failures . They can't even do such a simple thing like making a baby in their bedroom - something which millions of men have been doing since time immemorial !The problem is compounded by the fact that their wife will often blame herself. She will feel that her husband does not find her sexually attractive, which is why he is not able to get an erection when have sex with her.This can be hard to come to terms with - specially for many young successful professional men who a...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 19, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Taking back control ! Self Insemination Baby Making Kits for women with vaginismus
One of the problems of being infertile because ofvaginismusis that women can ’t stop thinking of themselves as failures . They can't even do such a simple thing like making a baby in their bedroom - something which millions of women have been doing since time immemorial !This can be hard to come to terms with - specially for many young successful professional career women who are so used to getting everything they want in life. They are smart; they do well in exams; they get the job which they want ; and marry the husband they want to. Then when they find that they can't get a baby, their self-esteem takes a big toss , a...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 19, 2020 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs