PICSO: Population, Intervention, Control, Setting, Outcome

Things likethis NICE manual talk aboutsetting, when formulating a search question, and there is the SPICE scheme, where S is the setting.   But I am not sure I have seen a version of the PICO grid which includes setting.If there is one, it would be good to know about it and you can tell me in the comments.&nbsp But if not, I may have just invented it.  But I can ' t claim the credit.  My eye was caught bya Guardian article today about whether face masks work to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and my eye was particularly caught because the author is Professor Trisha Greenhalgh of Oxford University, author of How to read a paper,  a staple of any reading list about critical appraisal. Greenhalgh discusses how you would design a randomised trial to examine whether wearing a face mask prevents COVID-19 infection in others.  Read the article, it is very well worth reading, an exploration of trial design, philosophy of science, and what evidence is possible. Greenhalgh writes:" Let ' s therefore test, in all members of the general public (population), the impact of cloth face coverings (intervention) compared to no coverings (control) in public places (setting) for preventing infection in other members of the public (outcome). "So I had the thought  - that is a scheme to use to plan a literature search, and to formulate an answerable question:PopulationInterventionControlSettingOutcome= PICSOI then had the thought - isn ' ...
Source: Browsing - Category: Databases & Libraries Tags: EBP literature searching Source Type: blogs